Lieutenant General
Sadly it seems the materials posted sailed over your heads, because it clearly states that the obscurants used to screen the CVN have particles suspended in the medium that block the visibility of the CVN and other ships to multiple parts of the spectrum. This includes millimeter wave radars which are the most likely mode to be used by the DF-21D seeker head to home in on the carrier.
It is only a proposal an idea that haven't materialized into weapon system. As I said before you have to measure a particular radar signature and adjust the smoke particle to fit those spec the generate that particle
"......The application of obscurants on the modern battlefield has been widely examined by U.S. Army strategists and operators for over a decade and a half; (2) obscurants are firmly imbedded in U.S. Army doctrine. (3) Moreover, the effectiveness of obscurants against a panoply of terminal homing systems, from the visual to the millimeter-wave spectrum, is proven. In simple terms, the particles suspended in the medium of smoke can be adjusted in size to absorb and diffuse radar waves emanating from the seeker heads of incoming antiship missiles, thereby denying any homing information to the missile. In the modern naval battle space, where antiship cruise missiles (ASCMs) are a principal threat, adapting obscurant systems and developing tactics and operational schemes for their use at sea is prudent. Given the stark potential of antiship ballistic missiles (ASBMs), this adaptation may be essential......"
It is just an idea to explore farther but have they had this system in production yet? It doesn't specified what kind of radar it is effective against too they just give general description from to millimeter radar.They have to measure the radar wave length first then select the particle and generate the smoke particle to fit the the radar wave No?. one second enough?. By that time the warhead is on top of you
In simple terms, the particles suspended in the medium of smoke can be adjusted in size to absorb and diffuse radar waves emanating from the seeker heads of incoming antiship missiles,
The challenge, then, for naval strategists, operators, and acquisition professionals is to "navalize" obscurants for use at sea, either developing new systems or adapting existing ones. One such system that appears primed for adaptation is the U.S. Army's M56E1 Coyote smoke-generating system.
Effective in virtually the entire spectrum, such millimeter-wave obscurants show great promise in thwarting the terminal radar seekers in many modern ASCMs.
In other word vaporware
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