I am notorious in amazing ideas:
what do you think about a derivate of this plane?
The famous DO-31 is a VSTOL transport plane (for sure could use sky ramp to), developed from german Dornier-company.
Only two birds was build as I know. One of them is to visit in the "Deutsches Museum",
near munich, the other was visible at the company area in "Oberpaffenhofen". Last week I was there and missed this plane.
In 2001 Wu Bangguo visited the factory and in 2003 the chinese D’Long International Strategic Investment and XAC (Xian Aircraft Manufactoring Corp) captured the Dornier company including the Dornier 728-programe - why not taking blue prints of this plane to?
Spannweite 18,0 m wiggspan /
Startmasse 21 000 kg (bei Senkrechtstart) take of wight (VTO)
Höchstgeschwindigkeit 710 km/h in 2500 m speed max/
Reichweite 1800 km range
Antrieb 2 x Bristol-Siddeley Pegasus (Hub- und Marschtriebwerke) normal engines
8 x Rolls-Royce RB 162 (Hubtriebwerke) VTOL engines
Schub 2 x 68,0 kN thrust normal engines
8 x 19,6 kN thrust VTOL engines