When a claim or assertion is made without basis it is term unsubstantiated or unfounded. When we do then one should be prepared to defend that position or opinion. Yes I do make judgments but on this occasion I clearly said I am unable to do so as to whether Australia is investing sufficiently in its security given its threat assessment. You view it differently and hence I am challenging you to substantiate your view because matching defence spending to GDP is simply superficial even if you insist it is a reasonable person's view. Defence spending programs are based on threat assessments, a determination of what assets and spending are required to address those threats and gamed against different scenarios and their probabilities. Unless you have access to intelligence and security information, you just can't make any determination of threshold requirements let alone adequacy.
I answered your question already, but for your benefit, I'll answer it again. We clearly know what Australian leaders believe as sufficient defense expenditure, because they said it was 2% GDP in their defense papers. I credit the Australian government with knowing if that level is sufficient for their security. You, of course, are free to call that superficial, and you might be right for a change. Nevertheless, that's what your own government said, and you should take any displeasure you might harbor directly to them.
As an example, in the 2016 white paper Australia has deemed necessary to increase its submarine force from 6 to 12. How did it get to this number? At a simplistic level if I were to speculate, it would be from deterrent patrols to some form of participation in blockade of SLOC. There could be multitudes of scenarios leading to determination of force structure. As an example :
There are 4 potential choke points leading from and to the SCS. If a blockade was to be established around those choke points, then using the 1/3 rule a minimum of 12 submarines in the force would be required. Alternatively a short term surge requirement might require 6 if the plan is to extend the patrols deep into the SCS. I do not know what considerations or scenarios are in the Australian defence plans and neither do you. So how is it possible for you to determine that Australia is not spending enough to address those issues. You don’t even know what conditions are considered relative to that threat assessment.
Why do I Australia isn't spending enough for defense? Because the Australian government said so. To wit, Australia defense establishment said as far back as Y2000 the nation needed to spend 2% GDP (their words, not my), and they haven't met that in any year since. Does your own set of facts say differently?
The period between 2000 to 2014 is not even relevant because Australia’s view of China during that period was threat neutral. It is only in the 2016 white paper that the increasing threat in the SCS was highlighted.
Oh really? 2000 to 2014 aren't relevant? Where did you get this little gem? You think the Australian government was Rip Van Winkel in those years? Kevin Rudd telling Hillary Clinton to prepare to use force against China should things go south is "threat neutral?" Obama and Gillard's press conference, November 2011, and US Marines rotating in out of Darwin was because both leaders thought China was threat neutral?