Now that we are seeing Trump's sights set on acquiring Greenland and the Panama Canal, I'm seeing China losing two trade routes in the very near future. We are even seeing Greenland initiating the process of separating from Denmark, a move that is most likely sponsored by the US, just like the Chinese car tariffs by the European Union and the Russian pipeline closures by Ukraine and the instant gas deals signed with the US right after. It is obvious the EU are willing to obliterate their own economies for the benefit of the Americans. Canada will likely be an even easier target than all the others above combined. It is right on the US border. The US is slowly isolating all competition from the world economy. Has there been any studies or analysis that focus on the economic implications these events will have on China in the near future and the long term? What can China do to stop this process? Any opinions by the forum on these events? Is anyone here as concerned about this as I am?