Lieutenant General
To any members here that live in the US… how many times do you experience internet outages in your area in a year? Right now I’m experiencing one that’s been almost a month now. This is the second one this year that lasted about that time. I’ve used up my data on my phone and have to resort to using other means of getting on the internet. I was wondering if this is normal? I’ve talk to my neighbor who has Comcast and I’m on AT&T two different systems and we both are dissatisfied. AT&T keep raising their prices and you get lesser service it seems every time on all what they offer and I’m on a bundle plan. Also their customer service sucks. Every time there’s an outage I call to get credit and they play dumb saying there was no outage in my area. You have to push them and they fake searching further to find there was a “problem” and then offer a credit. I want to dump them all together.