Huawei unveiled updates to fully domestic Ascend platform (w/ Atlas-900 AI cluster) including MindSpore2.0 ML framework, Ascend C language & Atlas 200I developer kit
Ascend platform supports 30+ big models, representing > 50% of native models in China. It supports 25 stable days training with 200 billion parameters. This is quite the market share
Currently, 25 smart cities have been built using Ascend w/ 14 of them launched & fully operational According to HW, more than 3.5m Kunpeng/Ascend developers, > 5600 partners & 15500 certficiations
华为昇腾芯片是华为公司发布的两款人工智能处理器 ,包括昇腾910和昇腾310处理器 ,昇腾910支持全场景人工智能应用,而昇腾310主要用在边缘计算等低功耗的领域 。采用自家的达芬奇架构,该架构有极致功耗和散热,可以全场景覆盖。
Things to consider about Kunpeng & Ascend. They really built this up over a few years. They have a fully ecology behind it with hardware Atlas-900 which was state of art back in 2020 when it first came out, but is now even better hardware wise with greater computation, better supporting infrastructure and software integration and such.
Kunpeng is used everywhere now with wide spread software support.
There are also things like this that by using liquid cooling, they can 4 to 8x computation density and decrease size of datacenter space by 70%
One example of big model is 紫东太初(Omni-Perception Pre-Trainer)by CAS. Can learn from text, pictures, voice, video, 3D point cloud, and sensor signals,