Artificial Intelligence thread


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btw, from that wsj article again
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i must stress again, that 1999 RMB developer kit is a big deal. Great & cheap way for new developers to setup and train on their own GPU hardware. Training software developers is more critical than anything else. HW appears to have a leg up here with over 3.5 million developers in its community already. Also probably why all the independent smart city projects use HW products. Because that's what all the developers are using
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PanGu-Σ goals mainly is to serve as proof of concept that training trillion parameters is possible. Data training quality and model quality is secondary.


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PanGu-Σ goals mainly is to serve as proof of concept that training trillion parameters is possible. Data training quality and model quality is secondary.
It is proof of concept on heterogenous training of large models - they offload optimizer states to CPU to reduce memory footprint (RAM is used instead of GPU memory) and use the sparse architecture of Pangu to do selective updates because device-host communication is slow. That way they trained the model on a smaller cluster of 512 Ascend 910 accelerators while "normal" training process would require at least x2 of those. Of course such training is slower because of said communication inefficiency and smaller pool of computational power but overall it is a viable approach towards training large models when you are restricted on resources.

There were trillion parameter models before Pangu-Sigma came out.


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It is proof of concept on heterogenous training of large models - they offload optimizer states to CPU to reduce memory footprint (RAM is used instead of GPU memory) and use the sparse architecture of Pangu to do selective updates because device-host communication is slow. That way they trained the model on a smaller cluster of 512 Ascend 910 accelerators while "normal" training process would require at least x2 of those. Of course such training is slower because of said communication inefficiency and smaller pool of computational power but overall it is a viable approach towards training large models when you are restricted on resources.

There were trillion parameter models before Pangu-Sigma came out.
interesting, i think moffett AI also used a sparse architecture for their model and were able to get pretty good results.

anyways, more on the developer toolkit
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昇腾AI开发者套件Atlas 200I DK A2是一款面向AI开发者知识学习、算法验证和应用开发场景的产品,具有澎湃算力、完备接口、开箱即用、样例丰富等特点,适用于个人开发者、高校师生、行业工程师等多类用户群体,满足开发者在视频图像分析、自然语言处理、机器人等多领域的开发需求。


昇腾AI开发者套件Atlas 200I DK A2由核心模组和扩展底板组成,支持8 TOPS INT8 AI算力和20路1080P 30FPS视频解码,可运行Ubuntu、openEuler等操作系统,满足大多数AI算法原型验证、推理应用开发的需求。同时,开发者套件提供了包括千兆以太网口、USB3.0、HDMI、M.2 Key M等完备的外设接口,方便开发者自由扩展,实现灵活的应用组网和多样的硬件形态
Atlas 200I DK A2配套了MindStudio全流程开发工具链,并提供一键镜像烧录工具和模型适配工具实现极简开发,让开发者快速上手使用,支持算法模型的快速适配。昇腾社区还为开发者免费开放智能小车、机械臂、语音交互等应用的端到端参考设计,以及上百个推理应用的代码样例,帮助开发者降低学习门槛,缩短开发周期。
This to me just seems like a great idea. You have a 8 TOPS INT8 hardware that have your usual ports, supports linux OS and MindStuio developer IDE. And you can use it to validate your own AI program for real world applications. 1080P 30FPS is a little old for gaming GPU, but it should be sufficient for your regular desktop application

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also this Omni-Perception Pre-Trainer by CAS is quite interesting. One of the 30+ lage models with hundreds of billions parameter


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More on AI and Huawei. So one thing always said about Nvidia advantage is just how many developers use Cuda and how that is hard to beat.

So I did a look yesterday. As of August 2020, Nvidia announced 2 million registered developers with Cuda
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and said they were adding 39k a month.

Now, let's say they at least doubled again in the past 32 months, they will be somewhere between 4 and 5 million registered developers with a good number of them in China.

Now, if we compare that to Huawei & Ascend, we know from earlier that Kunpeng & Ascend have over 3.5 million developers in total
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big number, but what is the breakdown, well it says in there that over 2 million developers & 4500 JV partners are in Kunpeng.
So based on the total of 3.5 million developers bw two and 5600 JV partners, then there are at least 1.5 million Ascend developers & 1100 JV partners.
Now, that's what it says here

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华为ICT Marketing总裁周军表示,昇腾吸引了超过150万开发者,迄今已发展1100多家伙伴,并推出2000多个联合解决方案,目前有25个城市基于昇腾构建人工智能计算中心,其中14个已经上线并饱和运行。华为将聚焦根技术,持续做强昇腾AI产业生态,坚定践行开放开源策略,持续贡献昇思开源社区,把昇思MindSpore打造成支持大模型和科学智能等AI创新的首选框架。
I wonder if the actual number is more than this, because the 2 should have some overlap. But even these numbers are pretty respectable compared to Nvidia/Cuda developer size. I think it just shows that outside of America and China, there aren't that many AI developers. If Ascend can even capture all the AI developers in China, it would likely be close in size to Cuda. Even now, it's probably anywhere from 1/3 to 1/2 the number of non-Chinese Cuda developers.

So I think they need to find ways to get more as many Chinese AI developers off Cuda and onto Ascend as possible. And we need to get the BAT franchises, China mobile & China telecom to also use more Ascend GPUs

Now, the other interesting part is MindSpore
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作为开源的新一代全场景 AI 框架,昇思 MindSpore 生态得到了快速发展,已成为国内最具创新活力的 AI 开源社区。截止目前,社区昇思软件下载量超过 451 万,增速第一;超过 1.3 万开发者为昇思贡献代码;5500 多家企业基于昇思构建应用方案;240 所高校开设了昇思课程;40 多家科研院所基于昇思进行原生 AI 创新研究。
this is just for higher level AI developers. According to this 4.51 million downloads and over 13,000 developers have contributed code to MindSpore. Not such how many people using MindSpore, but probably good number. 55000 companies have built applications. But it's good to see that the AI stack Huawei built is not just a Huawei thing. It involves a whole bunch of enterprises in China
在本次会议中,昇思 MindSpore 业务总经理丁诚为大家介绍了业界首个 AI 融合框架 —— 昇思 MindSpore 2.0 版本,在基础能力上完成 AI 与 HPC 的融合,科学计算能力大幅提升
They claim MindSpore 2.0 is world's first fusion AI framework. Combining AI and HPC


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China has the highest public support for AI.
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Comparing Public Sentiment Towards AI, by Country​

Artificial intelligence (AI) is one of the fastest growing and most disruptive technologies in the world today. Because it has the potential to drastically impact society, it’s important to measure how people are feeling towards it.

This infographic visualizes survey data from market research firm,
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, to see how attitudes towards AI varies by country. By including each country’s GDP per capita, we can see that wealthier populations are more skeptical about products and services that use the technology.

Data and Methodology​

This data is based on a 28-country survey of 19,504 adults aged 18 to 74. Polling took place between November and December 2021, and the results were published in January 2022.

This survey took place before the recent explosion in popularity of
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tools such as ChatGPT, DALL-E, and Midjourney, but forms the foundation for how people view this rapidly improving technology.


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Yin Qi, co-founder and CEO of AI software developer Megvii Technology, said for a company to build a GPT-style large language model, it would need at least 10,000 Nvidia A100 graphics processing chips -- which are considered to be one of the best chips for powering machine learning tasks -- and to invest around 2 billion yuan ($289 million) in hardware.
That's about 3 EFLOPS of computation. Keep in mind that Baidu invested 4 EFLOPS in the major data center they built for Ernie Bot. Although in its case, it's using a combination of A100 and other GPUs


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Reposting some related material I put on semiconductor thread
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Huawei talking about Pengcheng 3 project, a 16 EFLOPS FP16 datacenter aimed to be the leading AI data decenter in the world using more next gen Huawei Ascend and Kunpeng chips, to start construction next to Shenzhen and start running by end of the year. Will be fully complete by 2025.

More on AI and the great expansion of domestic AI
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大数据时代,算力与数据增长齐头并进。根据《中国算力白皮书(2022 年)》的 数据,2021 年我国算力总规模达到 140Eflops(每秒一万四千亿亿次浮点运算,包含通用算力、智能算力、超算算力,边缘算力暂未纳入统计范围),全球占比约 为 27%,近五年年均增速超 30%。展望未来,工信部印发的《“十四五”信息通 信行业发展规划》指出 2025 年我国数据中心算力总规模将增长到 300EFLOPS,CAGR 达 22%;另一方面,伴随 5G、人工智能、物联网等技术的应用普及,数据流量增长速率也在不断加快。根据 IDC 的预测,全球数据总量在 2020 年 将达 50ZB,而这一数据到 2025 年有望达到 175ZB,CAGR 达 28%。与此同 时,根据中央网信办的数据统计,2019 年度中国移动互联网数据接入量为 1,655.50 亿 GB,预计 2024 年将达到 5,680.90GB,CAGR 也高达 28%。因 此,我们认为在当前
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大时代下,适度超前建设以数据中心为首的新型基 建具有明确的战略意义。


“东数西算”正式启动,预计每年带动 4000 亿投资。今年二月,国家发展改革 委、中央网信办、工业和信息化部、国家能源局联合印发通知,同意在京津冀、
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、粤港澳大湾区、成渝、内蒙古、贵州、甘肃、宁夏等 8 地启动建设国家 算力枢纽节点,并规划了 10 个国家数据中心集群,标志着“东数西算”工程正 式全面启动。与“西气东输”“西电东送”“南水北调”等工程相似,“东数西 算”是一个国家级算力资源跨域调配战略工程,针对我国东西部算力资源分布总 体呈现出“东部不足、西部过剩”的不平衡局面,引导中西部利用能源优势建设 算力基础设施,“数据向西,算力向东”,服务东部沿海等算力紧缺区域,解决 我国东西部算力资源供需不均衡的现状。“东数西算”工程对我国的长远发展有 重要的意义:

有利于提升国家整体算力水平:通过全国一体化的数据中心布局建设,扩大 算力设施规模,提高算力使用效率,实现全国算力规模化集约化发展。

有利于促进绿色节能:数据中心属于高耗能行业,又被称为“不冒烟的钢厂”。将数据中心从能耗指标紧张的东部地区迁往清洁能源富集、电力更加廉价的 西部,将大幅提升
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有利于扩大有效投资:数据中心产业链条长、投资规模大,带动效应强。发 改委预计“十四五”期间大数据中心投资还将以每年超过 20%的速度增长,每年预计各方面投资额达 4,000 亿元。

有利于推动区域协调发展:通过算力设施由东向西布局,将带动相关产业有 效转移,促进东西部数据流通、价值传递,延展东部发展空间,推进西部大 开发形成新格局

Research on Pangu AI platform of Huawei
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Performance of Ascend 910 vs A100 and H100. It's very comparable to A100 (at least the current version of 910)
Screen Shot 2023-05-19 at 3.55.00 PM.png


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Look at the West's criticism of TikTok pointing to the Chinese original version, Douyin. Douyin, they charge, is educational while TikTok is a reflection of Western culture. They charge it's a conspiracy by China to destroy Western society. No, TikTok is a refection of Western values just like US artificial intelligence is a refection of American alt-right incel male rage that wants to see the world burn. It's a Rorschach test of summing up how they see the world.

The West is upset that China wants its own AI when they expect China to embrace theirs. China ain't forcing its AI onto them yet they're upset that an alternate AI existing when it should be only theirs like God. There can be only one true AI. And like intelligence they hate technology. Technology exists to make life easier which also means independence from them. And of course the hypocrisy of is all it they can have AI and technology and independence but you can't because they're the only ones that are responsible enough to have them...

Edit: Removing offensive anti-Christian comment.
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Reposting some related material I put on semiconductor thread
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Huawei talking about Pengcheng 3 project, a 16 EFLOPS FP16 datacenter aimed to be the leading AI data decenter in the world using more next gen Huawei Ascend and Kunpeng chips, to start construction next to Shenzhen and start running by end of the year. Will be fully complete by 2025.

Aside from this example of 东数西算, there are many other projects like under way to push China's total computation to 300 EFLOPS by 2024.

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“东数西算”正式启动,预计每年带动 4000 亿投资。今年二月,国家发展改革 委、中央网信办、工业和信息化部、国家能源局联合印发通知,同意在京津冀、
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、粤港澳大湾区、成渝、内蒙古、贵州、甘肃、宁夏等 8 地启动建设国家 算力枢纽节点,并规划了 10 个国家数据中心集群,标志着“东数西算”工程正 式全面启动。与“西气东输”“西电东送”“南水北调”等工程相似,“东数西 算”是一个国家级算力资源跨域调配战略工程,针对我国东西部算力资源分布总 体呈现出“东部不足、西部过剩”的不平衡局面,引导中西部利用能源优势建设 算力基础设施,“数据向西,算力向东”,服务东部沿海等算力紧缺区域,解决 我国东西部算力资源供需不均衡的现状。“东数西算”工程对我国的长远发展有 重要的意义:
8 regions build computation forming 10 national data center clusters. A national strategic priority with 400B RMB investment a year

You need 3 things in AI: data, computation power & algo/model
数据是 AI 模型的“汽油

算力是 AI 模型的“发动机”

算法是 AI 模型的“大脑”

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Alibaba has a 12 EFLOPS data center building in 张北 + another 3 EFLOPS data center in 乌兰察布

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Baidu has a 4 EFLOPS computation center that came up in YangQuan 阳泉 that's been used for ErnieBot

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Tencent uses a distributed computational platform to provide 16 EFLOPS of computation in total