More on AI and Huawei. So one thing always said about Nvidia advantage is just how many developers use Cuda and how that is hard to beat.
So I did a look yesterday. As of August 2020, Nvidia announced 2 million registered developers with Cuda
and said they were adding 39k a month.
Now, let's say they at least doubled again in the past 32 months, they will be somewhere between 4 and 5 million registered developers with a good number of them in China.
Now, if we compare that to Huawei & Ascend, we know from earlier that Kunpeng & Ascend have over 3.5 million developers in total
big number, but what is the breakdown, well it says in there that over 2 million developers & 4500 JV partners are in Kunpeng.
So based on the total of 3.5 million developers bw two and 5600 JV partners, then there are at least 1.5 million Ascend developers & 1100 JV partners.
Now, that's what it says here
华为ICT Marketing总裁周军表示,昇腾吸引了超过150万开发者,迄今已发展1100多家伙伴,并推出2000多个联合解决方案,目前有25个城市基于昇腾构建人工智能计算中心,其中14个已经上线并饱和运行。华为将聚焦根技术,持续做强昇腾AI产业生态,坚定践行开放开源策略,持续贡献昇思开源社区,把昇思MindSpore打造成支持大模型和科学智能等AI创新的首选框架。
I wonder if the actual number is more than this, because the 2 should have some overlap. But even these numbers are pretty respectable compared to Nvidia/Cuda developer size. I think it just shows that outside of America and China, there aren't that many AI developers. If Ascend can even capture all the AI developers in China, it would likely be close in size to Cuda. Even now, it's probably anywhere from 1/3 to 1/2 the number of non-Chinese Cuda developers.
So I think they need to find ways to get more as many Chinese AI developers off Cuda and onto Ascend as possible. And we need to get the BAT franchises, China mobile & China telecom to also use more Ascend GPUs
Now, the other interesting part is MindSpore
作为开源的新一代全场景 AI 框架,昇思 MindSpore 生态得到了快速发展,已成为国内最具创新活力的 AI 开源社区。截止目前,社区昇思软件下载量超过 451 万,增速第一;超过 1.3 万开发者为昇思贡献代码;5500 多家企业基于昇思构建应用方案;240 所高校开设了昇思课程;40 多家科研院所基于昇思进行原生 AI 创新研究。
this is just for higher level AI developers. According to this 4.51 million downloads and over 13,000 developers have contributed code to MindSpore. Not such how many people using MindSpore, but probably good number. 55000 companies have built applications. But it's good to see that the AI stack Huawei built is not just a Huawei thing. It involves a whole bunch of enterprises in China
在本次会议中,昇思 MindSpore 业务总经理丁诚为大家介绍了业界首个 AI 融合框架 —— 昇思 MindSpore 2.0 版本,在基础能力上完成 AI 与 HPC 的融合,科学计算能力大幅提升
They claim MindSpore 2.0 is world's first fusion AI framework. Combining AI and HPC