American Economics Thread


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On another level, however, tutting at Americans who resent that their burgers are now twice as expensive and increasingly filled with sawdust is just the Western equivalent of tutting at Soviet citizens for coveting American blue jeans. The USSR collapsed in part due to its citizens being disillusioned with the promises of socialist prosperity that had been made to them. Looking at their own shabby reality, blue jeans and hamburgers became symbols of something greater. America, by contrast, is now a consumerist society where the ability to actually be a happy consumer is rapidly collapsing. Just like the Soviet Union before it, the once-alluring story of American society is now being seen as an increasingly shabby fraud by a growing segment of its own citizenry. The same feelings of anomie and cynicism that once animated Soviet political jokes are now spreading to more and more Americans, forced to contrast the newspaper headline stories of economic growth and prosperity for all with their experiences of food inflation and wage stagnation.


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More 4D chess high-value-added manufacturing suparpowa stats! They may not produce much, but what they produce is worth like gold! /s



Btw, this is more so global economics related, but it is certain that the American Empire's end is near!

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, a 7th-century chronicle of the Chinese
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, reports that when Emperor Hui was told that his people were starving because there was no rice, he said, "Why don't they eat porridge with
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?" (何不食肉糜),
showing his unfitness.
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It has since then become a famous phrase in both classical and modern Chinese. It is analogous to the phrase "
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" in French culture.