Aircraft Carriers

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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Nice charts guys!:) if you have anymore deminsions and CVW's of the proposed FN/RN CVF please post them. Thanks!
Popeye, here is the chart that sets some of the modern designs next to each other and gives displacement and overall length.


Obi Wan Russell

Jedi Master
VIP Professional
Nice charts guys!:)

Hey Obi Wan. Why did you not include the new RN & FN CVF design? I think they will be built...Later than sooner perhaps but they are on the way.

Obi wan if you have anymore deminsions and CVW's of the proposed FN/RN CVF please post them. Thanks!

I did say it wasn't finished, what I posted is a work in progress. I haven't even started on the Japanese, Australian, and Irish aircraft carriers!:rofl:
Also I'm having a go at some historic CVs in the same scale, 60s British and American (Midway and Essex class) but it may take a while.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
I really like the deck layout of the RN "QE" class. Nice and wide. Plenty of room on deck to spot(park) aircraft. And mucho room for suppourt gear.:) The more room the safer the operation of the flight deck.

I saw a artist rendering of o the French CVF and it had an angle deck and 2 catapults.

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Will the UK design be such that it could be fitted for catapults at a later date?

Obi Wan & others, What do you think of the overall designs of the RN &FN CVF designs???????


Jeff Head

Registered Member
I really like the deck layout of the RN "QE" class. Nice and wide. Plenty of room on deck to spot(park) aircraft. And mucho room for suppourt gear.:) The more room the safer the operation of the flight deck.
Amen, the QE, I believe has a flight deck width of 240 ft! The Nimitz class comes in at 252 ft. Plenty of width on both counts for full deck opertions...although still one of the most dangerous places on earth,

...and yes, I am sure that I have read that the UK carriers can be fitted with catapaults at a later date if desired.

BTW, I put this on the CVN-77 build page, but if you hadn't seen it I thought you would like to see the latest pic of launched and afloat.

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Another US Navy Supercarrier now in the water!

Obi Wan Russell

Jedi Master
VIP Professional
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I had a go at the carrier coparison pic and added the British CTOL CVF variant, which differs from the french CVF mainly in flight deck markings. It's the version I would prefer anyway, as it will allow cross decking to resume on joint operations, and make the choice of AEW aircraft a little easier.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Obi Wan, I love that little touch with the "E" on the aft end of the flight deck. Classy! USN CV's did that back before & during WWII. Gives the ship a disquinging mark.

As for CVN-77..awesome sight! But I just wish it had a different name.:(

Jeff Head

Registered Member
As for CVN-77..awesome sight! But I just wish it had a different name.:(
IMHO, she should have been named for the America, which served its nation to the end, even as it was sunk by our own hand. For that reason, among many other good names, she should have been given than name. The name it has been given, though an honorable man, and one who served off of carriers in World War II, nonetheless, he is the President who instigated and oversaw the beginning of the largest US Navy draw down since the end of World War II.

The next class should definitely NOT be the "Ford" class. I'd like to see the United States, or one of the many battle names that are available that would project the honor and power that class will represent...Ford just does not do that from my perspective.

Of course, these are all simply my own opinion on the matter.

Obi Wan Russell

Jedi Master
VIP Professional
The 'E' was my touch, it stands for EAGLE! My preferred name for CVF-01, and Ark Royal for CVF-02. RN and commonwealth carriers adopted a single letter deck code after WW2 but due to the large number of ships in service then the letters were allocated at random (Eagle was J, Ark was O, Albion was Z, Melbourne was Y etc), but toward the late 50s the shrinking numbers of carriers allowed letters to be re allocated a little more logically according to the names of the ships; Eagle became E, Albion became A, Melbourne became M, and Ark Royal became R because the A had already been allocated, something retained by the current Ark. Invincible (N) and Illustrious (L) were not given the letter I because it would be hard to distinguish it from the other flightdeck markings.

Obi Wan Russell

Jedi Master
VIP Professional
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Latest update on the 'Worlds carriers comparison chart', current, building and projected. Names and pennant numbers for unbuilt ships are either confirmed or best guess based on existing numbering patterns. Of note, the two Australian LHDs are based on the latest model displayed at a defence exhibition and although based on the Spanish Navantia design the ski jump appears to have been deleted in favour of a 'Tarawa' style forward flight deck as the Aussie government are currently denying any requirement for F-35Bs. Feel free to put forward any arguments for or against any inclusions/exclusions from the list (I would have put an indigenous Chinese carrier in there but with so many designs floatng about it would be hard to pick the most likely!).

I make no apologies for using the name Gerald Ford for CVN 78, none of us wants it to be true, but perhaps a glimpse of the horrible reality might stir up a campaign to persuade Congress of the folly of this move!
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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Obi Wan sez;
Of note, the two Australian LHDs are based on the latest model displayed at a defence exhibition and although based on the Spanish Navantia design the ski jump appears to have been deleted in favour of a 'Tarawa' style forward flight deck as the Aussie government are currently denying any requirement for F-35Bs

Great chart Obi wan! I will share it with others.:)

All of the reading I've done about the RAN ships and aircraft point to the fact that the Aussie government really struggles with spending money on defense. They've been banting about this LHD design and the pros and cons there of for years. They need to make a decision.

I make no apologies for using the name Gerald Ford for CVN 78, none of us wants it to be true, but perhaps a glimpse of the horrible reality might stir up a campaign to persuade Congress of the folly of this move!

When I post about CVN-77 and CVN-78 I refuse to use those names..It just burns me up.:mad:

There is a petition "afloat" to name CVN-78 America".

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Personally I don't think it will work. Not enough signatures on the petition.

And John Waner(R-VA) is pushing this name(Ford (sic)) through because I think he wants a future CVN named after him!
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