Re: The Building of America's next "super" Carrier
Agreed completely Obi Wan. And I believe that the V-22, in an AEW role, actually would, at this time, be the best VTOL solution. In terms of speed, range/endurance/ atiltitude, and carry weight, it simply gives the best answer to AEW for VTOL carriers at the present time. We shall see if it is taken advantage of in this manner, but like Fin McCool said, so much money has been invested, and you already have an active duty squadron of V-22s for the Marines, that I would be surprised if such a development were not forthcoming.the point being that once the V-22 AEW basic variant is in squadron service the concept will have been proved and will be harder to cancel. The 'Best' is always the enemy of 'Good enough', and Good Enough
will always be preferrable to none at all.