how come there wasn’t a USS Barack Obama?
Are you trying to bait for politics?
First he left office all of what 3 years ago.
Second just because you sat in the Oval Office doesn’t automatically mean a Carrier gets named for you.
Despite claims to the contrary there is no actual tradition that Presidents get carriers named after them. It has happened but the amount of politics involved has been a turn off. Controversial.
Most of the carriers built until CV 40 were named for battles or Historic naval ships. The exceptions were three founding fathers Franklin as in Benjamin Franklin who also wrote poor Richards almanac in French Bonhomme Richard, Randolph who had been president of the continental congress as has Handcock.
after CV40 you get the Midway class with CV42 for Franklin D Roosevelt the first of the political names, yet he did serve as secretary of the Navy and was critical in leading world war 2. However most return to places or battles. CV49 goes to the Wright Brothers the fathers of powered flight. then you have Admirals Forestall and Nimitz. But after CV66 the politics in naming comes to the head.
John F Kennedy I don’t mind as much he actually served in the Navy, same for Ford. Eisenhower of course before his term in office was a General in the Army. Theodore Roosevelt never served in the military directly but he did serve in combat during the Spanish American war. George Bush Sr. Served in the Navy. Washington was the first President a founding father and a general. Lincoln saw the US though the worst war in its history. He also wore a uniform for the Illinois state Militia.
Carl Vincent wasn’t President he did push for the Navy but I think his should be controversial, as should Stennis. Both were democratic Senators. Truman and
(as much as I like him) Regan were Presidents who never served in the military either. They were political naming. Political naming has been leaving a bad taste in a lot of people’s mouths. Returning the naming system to what it should be honoring those that served or those places in history.
Barrak Obama would be a purely political name. no service other than as a first term senator who didn’t even complete his first term before getting the Presidency. A President whom’s terms may not be as polished and shiny as it may seem.
Doris Miller by contrast is a name that actually has some roots in history. He served in the Second World War and died in battle. The Navy named a Knox class frigate for him now decommissioned. He wasn’t some political points, He earned recognition with his life.