If that’s his actual address he must work at the Taco Bell.
None of the reactors at Fukushima turned into nuclear furnaces. That was Chernobyl.
Nuclear reactors have risks it’s true, but at Fukushima the situation was very different and would be different from that of a naval ship as well. In Fukushima the Reactors Went int a scram mode during the earthquake. From there it would have been fine had it not been for the tsunami. This was a double whammy was the earthquake cut outside power and wrecked the roads preventing emergency generators from getting on site fast enough. The tsunami flooded the machine room damaged electrical equipment and the 13 back up generators. without water to run the cooling system or even the sensors the reactors started boiling over This took hours even days.
Fukashuma plants did blow there Buildings but not their tops as the explosions were the result of hydrogen Vented from the reactors. That gas being caused by the heated zirconium of the fuel rods interacting with the steam.
This differed from the Chernobyl #4 event where the crews running the reactor generated an instant disaster, by first crashing the reactor into a scram then removing all the controls of the reactor letting it loose in a instant where it blew it’s top and the core was exposed. And uranium once exposed is highly flammable.
The Hollywood style disaster offered by out friend
@Just4Fun however an extreme on par with any super disaster movie taking a real potential and amping it up times a billion. Although Carriers can be damaged it would take a hell of alt to sink a Carrier and a hell of a lot more to rip the core open and expose the cores. If it did happen a naval ship has the critical element that would prevent a nuclear pyre.
Ships have a almost unlimited supply of it, The Ocean. This can be seen in nuclear submarine sinking where the reactor has flooded containing the event. Thresher, Scorpion, K8, K27, K219, K278, K429, K141 and K159. Despite having reached crush depth with potential for exposed cores no nuclear pyres.
If the Core has been ripped open which is a huge if on par with spontaneous human combustion. Then the reactor would quickly be drenched as the rest of the ship would have had to have been blown into small bits.