Thank you for clarifying your position, which I hold as well, not a hater, but a believer in the Scriptures... and good science as well... pieces of the puzzle in the natural world...
100 % with you on this bro.
Thank you for clarifying your position, which I hold as well, not a hater, but a believer in the Scriptures... and good science as well... pieces of the puzzle in the natural world...
It is exactly like that. The lines are new. That's why I'm asking. Isn't a family member of yours serving on an aircraft carrier so you could ask when the opportunity arises?We did not have these lines on the flight deck in my day.
It is exactly like that. The lines are new. That's why I'm asking. Isn't a family member of yours serving on an aircraft carrier so you could ask when the opportunity arises?
May be, this lines so new. They can be found only on Roosevelt but not on any other carrier. I will keep my eyes open where I can also discover such lines.I doubt if he knows what those lines are for.