Aircraft Carriers II (Closed to posting)

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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Well, without including Japan and the Hyuga (with a second already well under construction), the ROKN, and the PLAN, there are already currently nine countries operating 23 carriers around the world today utilizing fixed win aircraft,

You have:

United States: 11
United Kingdom: 3
Spain: 2
Italy: 2
France: 1
Russia: 1
India: 1
Brazil: 1
Thailand: 1

With India set to add another, China talking about two, the Japanese two (if they realize a fixed wing capability) the Australian plans, the new UK carriers, and the potential for the ROKN...yes, there is much to look forward to for aircraft carrier buffs.

That's why I created the:

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Jeff, you could add the eleven USN LHD & LHAs. they do operate Harriers. And have been configured to operate all Harrier air wings with SAR helos of course..

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Jeff, you could add the eleven USN LHD & LHAs. they do operate Harriers. And have been configured to operate all Harrier air wings with SAR helos of course..
You are correct!

I will edit/update my post accordingly! Particularly with the LHA(R)s coming on and the plan for some of them to be dedicated fixed wing vessels. But even without that, the Tarawa and the WASP vessels already operate a wing of Harries pretty much all the time anyway.

So, that's 34 carriers in total that operate fixed wing aircraft.


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China to start construction of 1st aircraft carriers next year

China will begin construction of the country's first domestically produced aircraft carriers in Shanghai next year, with an eye to completing two mid-sized carriers by 2015, military and shipbuilding sources said.

Beijing is also expected to complete work on a never-finished former Soviet aircraft carrier moored in the northeastern port of Dalian, to provide training for carrier-based pilots and crew.

The two 50,000- to 60,000-ton carriers will rely on conventional propulsion systems, not nuclear power. They will be assigned to the People's Liberation Army Navy south sea fleet, tasked with patrolling the South China Sea, sources said.

According to sources close to Shanghai municipal authorities, one of the world's largest shipbuilding facilities was completed this fall on Changxingdao island at the mouth of the Changjiang river near Shanghai.

One of the four docks there is for construction of the aircraft carriers, they said.

Shipbuilding sources said there are plans to import electrical control parts from Russia and that orders have already been placed with domestic military suppliers.
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China will laut Verteidigungsminister Liang Guanglie einen eigenen Flugzeugträger bauen. „Von allen Weltmächten hat nur China keine Flugzeugträger und es kann nicht länger diese Art von Kriegsschiffen entbehren“, sagte der Minister nach Angaben der Nachrichtenagentur Sina.
.... Beobachter schließen nicht aus, dass China bereits in diesem April den Bau von eigenen Flugzeugträgern ankündigen wird. Im nächsten Monat begeht die chinesische Marine ihr 60-jähriges Bestehen. Nach Prognose der Zeitschrift Wall Street Journal kann das erste chinesische Flugdeckschiff 2020 in See stechen.
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23. 03. 2009
Verteidigungsminister: China soll eigenen Flugzeugträger bauen

Unter allen Großmächten ist China das einzige Land, das über keinen Flugzeugträger verfügt. Dies soll sich nun ändern, kündigte der chinesische Verteidigungsminister, General Liang Guanglie, am vergangenen Wochenende in Beijing an.

Es sei eine große und schwere Aufgabe für die chinesische Marine, die Hoheit im Ozean zu wahren. Der Bau eines Flugzeugträgers sei daher erforderlich. Dennoch müsse China mehrere Faktoren berücksichtigen, fügte General Liang hinzu. Der japanische Verteidigungsminister zeigte beim Gespräch keine Sorge von japanischer Seite.

Es ist nicht das erste Mal, dass das chinesische Militär über den Bau eines Flugzeugträgers redet. Ende 2008 hatte der Sprecher des chinesischen Verteidigungsministers bei einer Pressekonferenz bekannt gegeben, dass sich China ernsthaft den Bau seines ersten Flugzeugträgers überlege.

Als Nachbarland verfolgt Japan seit langem Chinas Aufrüstung. Die Zeitung Asahi Shinbun berichtete, dass China seinen ersten Flugzeugträger in der Changxing-Insel in der Nähe von Shanghai bauen wolle. Zudem wolle China rund 50 Jagdflugzeuge vom Typ Su-33, die auf einem Flugzeugträger landen und starten können, aus Russland importieren. Weiteren Meldungen zufolge wolle China bis Ende 2015 zwei mittelgrosse Flugzeugträger mit einer Wasserdrängung von 50.000 bis 60.000 Tonnen fertig bauen.
chinese defence Minister General Liang Guanglie told his japanese counterpart, that China will build his own carrier to defend chinese waters; the rest seems to be repeat some rumours we know before ...
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Obi Wan Russell

Jedi Master
VIP Professional
You will hear from many sources of a negative disposition that the CVFs will either be cancelled or only one will be built. The Contracts announced so far (and as Popeye has shown, they are coming thick and fast) are all for TWO ships, and in fact careful examination will show that cancelling one ship will save nothing. Indeed it will probably cost more because of penalty clauses in the contracts. Nearly half of the overall CVF contract itself is about restructuring the British shipbuilding industry, so the two ships actual price tag is closer to £1 Billion each rather than £2 Billion. The RAF brass recently tried a last ditch tactic to kill off the FAA by proposing to scrap the Harrier force early, putting the FAA's FJ pilots out of work, but this back fired on them when the government announced the Harriers would be staying on until at least 2018. Add to that the recent announcement of the purchase of the first three F-35Bs for trials and testing and things are looking bright again...

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Can't wait for the day that the RN commissions the first CVF. I know Obi Wan will be close by with his camera. And he will be giddy with glee!

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Can't wait for the day that the RN commissions the first CVF. I know Obi Wan will be close by with his camera. And he will be giddy with glee!
...and that will be after the keal is laid, construction is complete, the carrier is christened, launched, and then through Sea Trials.

Hehehe...I expect we will have several very joyous, giddy moments preceding the actual commissioning.

...and like you, I look very forward to them.

...and here on SD, the only thing that may (I say may) eclispe it in terms of giddiness and glea will be when the PLAN does the same with its own fisrt carrer. LOL!


Banned Idiot

Aircraft Carriers - China Defence Today Forum

When the LHA(R) program does come to fruition the LHA(R) when operating with the highly capable LPD-17 class will be a very potent amphib force.

I agree with the previous posters in that the new LHA(R) is more avation capable. Perhaps in the future we will see an all F-35 & V-22 air wing on an LHA(R). perhaps 10+ years from now.

I am some what puzzled:confused: by the lack of a well deck. Without a well deck you have a aircraft carrier that can haul vehicles and troops. I envision these ships carrying up to 36 JSF and 6+ V-22. As I mentioned this class will be grouped with an LPD-17 class.

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Im thinking, why dont the Chinese build a few of these optimised for aircraft.

How capable would they be in sustaining battle damage, as I think they might be a better option than a fleet carrier with a 40-50 aircraft capacity, eg lets say instead of one fleet carrier with forty aircraft, one has about 4 or more depending on mission requirements. with 10 aircraft apiece.
So if a couple got sunk in battle, there's a couple left to press on with the mission. If your sole fleet carrier falls into harms way, one is left with nothing.

Obi Wan Russell

Jedi Master
VIP Professional
Can't wait for the day that the RN commissions the first CVF. I know Obi Wan will be close by with his camera. And he will be giddy with glee!

I'll have pictures of the commissioning ceremony in Pompey even if I have to swim there!:D:nana:

I'm mainly enjoying all the naysayers fighting their futile rearguard actions, and looking forward to having the last laugh when both ships are in service. Grey Funnel Cruises is back in business!


Jeff Head

Registered Member
Im thinking, why dont the Chinese build a few of these optimised for aircraft.

How capable would they be in sustaining battle damage, as I think they might be a better option than a fleet carrier with a 40-50 aircraft capacity, eg lets say instead of one fleet carrier with forty aircraft, one has about 4 or more depending on mission requirements. with 10 aircraft apiece.
So if a couple got sunk in battle, there's a couple left to press on with the mission. If your sole fleet carrier falls into harms way, one is left with nothing.
The USS America, LHA-6, was laid down in 2008 and is expected to be launched in 2010, and commissioned in 2013.

She will displace 45,000 tons and will be a very large, very capable multi-role assault ship.

As a standard load in her assault role, she will carry the following aircraft:

10 F-35B JSF
12 MV-22 Osprey
08 AH-1 SuperCobras
04 CH-53Ks
04 MH-60S "Knighthawks".

But, she will also be able to serve in a pure air defense role with up to 22 Joint Strike Fighters. More than most of the other carriers today in that role, outside of the French De Gualle, the new UK QE, the Russian Kuznetsov, and those large carriers pllanned ny the PLAN, and more than even some of those in total aircraft in the assault role with 38.

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Banned Idiot
The USS America, LHA-6, was laid down in 2008 and is expected to be launched in 2010, and commissioned in 2013.

She will displace 45,000 tons and will be a very large, very capable multi-role assault ship.

As a standard load in her assault role, she will carry the following aircraft:

10 F-35B JSF
12 MV-22 Osprey
08 AH-1 SuperCobras
04 CH-53Ks
04 MH-60S "Knighthawks".

But, she will also be able to serve in a pure air defense role with up to 22 Joint Strike Fighters. More than most of the other carriers today in that role, outside of the French De Gualle, the new UK QE, the Russian Kuznetsov, and those large carriers pllanned ny the PLAN, and more than even some of those in total aircraft in the assault role with 38.


Exactly, a few of those, perhaps 20-25000 tons wouldn't go amiss in the PLAN.
Ive also noticed over a period of time, points of view, questioning China's ability to build carriers, and countries that it could turn to for advice, eg Ukraine ,Russia arent exactly up there with the West when it comes to Capital Ships.
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