Aircraft Carriers II (Closed to posting)

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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Jeff, could you post a link to where you read this? I kinda doubt that the any UCAS will be ready by 2020.. they are not funded beyond the two that are in R & D now.
Several sources.

The Program Executive Officer of the US Navy for Aircraft Carriers produced this a few years ago:

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In that last, the statement of interest is this:

"The Navy’s plan for future carrier air wings include one 12-plane squadron of F/A-18E fighters, one squadron of the two-seater F/A-18Fs, one 10-plane squadron of Joint Strike Fighters, a squadron of the Marine Corps’ JSF, five EA-18G Growlers, five E-2B Hawkeyes and five UCAS."

Finally, in a study commissioned by the US Navy and conducted y RAND we have this:

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The Operative statement here comes on page 90 with this:

"As a result of these changes, the standard airwing composition in the 2020s will be even further simplified and
streamlined. A typical mix will then be 12 F/A-18Es, 12 F/A-18Fs,and 20 F-35C Joint Strike Fighters. Air wings will include 44 strikefighters (both Super Hornets and JSFs), four UCAVs for ISR, fiveEA-18Gs, five E-2D Advanced Hawkeyes, and 11 MH-60 helicopters."

The UCAV component is not expected by 2020...but will come about during the first half of the 2020s, thus that projected airwing is "for" the 2020s, but not "by" 2020.
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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: PLAN Carrier Operations..News, Videos & Photos II

Need some clarification not having served on a US carrier I am not clear on the jargon used here

Is the implication that it would be quicker if it was something other than a tomcat on the cat? or that it would be quicker if the alert position was different? or both? or something else?

No the launch would not be quicker. Alert 5 is an aircraft that is ready to launch in 5 minutes...

This is what the USN alert 5 consist of.

2 Fighters..Hornets/Super Hornets these days
1 E2-C
1- tanker(F-18 these days so equipped unless an USAF tanker is milling about smartly overhead).
1-2 SH-60s helos for SAR

All these are launched in 5 minutes...

This is the launch sequence

First a helo..(unless a helo is already airborne)
next the fighters
then the E-2C
and lastly a tanker.

And believe it or not there are other aircraft standing by in case one of the a fore mentioned aircraft has some sort of malfunction.

Oh yes..there also many times there are other alert aircraft standing by to smoke check any bad guys that need to be ..taken care of...usually called alert 15 or 30.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: PLAN Carrier Operations..News, Videos & Photos II

This blog posting seems to be an opinion piece where the un-named author concludes "I’ll whip any 4 VSTOL CVLs every single day of the century."

Sorry I missed this post. But the exercise actually happened. I used that site because it's not a PDF file like the official site which I could not find....But I did today..:)

This was published by the Center for Naval Analysis. This is a long read. But It will tell you what an USN CVN can do in a surge situation. From weapons build up to launching aircraft. and maintaining those air strikes over a period of several days. There's a lot more to this sort of operation than launching a few aircraft very quickly of the bow.

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Re: PLAN Carrier Operations..News, Videos & Photos II

All these are launched in 5 minutes...
And on CV 67 the inner waist cat with 310 feet length compared to normaly 250 to 275 ft was able to throw the heaviest aircraft in the air without wind over deck. From CVN 68 on all 4 cats are able to do so.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: PLAN Carrier Operations..News, Videos & Photos II

And on CV 67 the inner waist cat with 310 feet length compared to normaly 250 to 275 ft was able to throw the heaviest aircraft in the air without wind over deck. From CVN 68 on all 4 cats are able to do so.

Ahem.. On the America CV-66 while at anchor in St Thomas US Virgin Island in February 1981 VS-33 launched one S-3A from a waist cat (don't know which one) while at anchor. I know because I saw it with my own eyes. I was assigned to VS-33. And S-3A had a lot of wing span with a lot of lift.


Junior Member
Re: PLAN Carrier Operations..News, Videos & Photos II

No the launch would not be quicker. Alert 5 is an aircraft that is ready to launch in 5 minutes...

This is what the USN alert 5 consist of.

2 Fighters..Hornets/Super Hornets these days
1 E2-C
1- tanker(F-18 these days so equipped unless an USAF tanker is milling about smartly overhead).
1-2 SH-60s helos for SAR

All these are launched in 5 minutes...

This is the launch sequence

First a helo..(unless a helo is already airborne)
next the fighters
then the E-2C
and lastly a tanker.

And believe it or not there are other aircraft standing by in case one of the a fore mentioned aircraft has some sort of malfunction.

Oh yes..there also many times there are other alert aircraft standing by to smoke check any bad guys that need to be ..taken care of...usually called alert 15 or 30.

Thanks for the explanation!


Junior Member
I've explained this dozens of times on this forum, indeed a number of times on this very thread! Anyone who asks this question clearly doesn't understand how ski jumps work and why there will never be a combined cat/ramp.

To get a jet fighter off the deck of a carrier, you have to get it from 0 knots to flying speed (on average around 130+ knots). An unassisted takeoff roll on the deck is a very bad idea, because unless your flight deck is over 1000ft in length (and you'd need every inch of that length) plus a lot of wind over deck (WOD) you aren't going anywhere but into the drink. And that's without any payload hangig from the wings or much fuel in the tanks. With catapult assitance (Steam or EMCAT), you can acclerate a FULLY LADEN aircraft from 0 to 130 knots in around 300ft, given the average sizes and weights of modern naval combatttant types.

The ski jump comes between the two, and it is a way of cheating really. You are still trying to do a free roling takeoff, but halfway along the roll when the aircraft is at around 80 knots (and therefore not generating sufficient lift from it's wings to fly) the aircraft is sent into the air up the 12 degree ramp on a ballistic trajectory, just like driving over a hump backed bridge in a car. Evel Knieval and his fellow stunt riders used the same technique, and their motorbikes are still to this day not known for their aerodynaimc qualities, yet they 'fly'. Unlike those bikes and indeed cars, aircraft that have left the end of the ramp are still subject to acceleration from their engine thrust and as the continue to arc upwards they increase their velocity to reach flying speed before they reach the top of the arc, at which point they are usually about 200ft in altitude and around 800ft ahead of the carrier, and simply fly away as normal. The limits in this method are mainly to do with ramp entry speed, as hitting the ramp at anything in excess of 80 knots puts excessive stress on the nosewheel oleo, and indeed if the aircraft is to be launched at highr weights it is the takeoff roll which is extended further aft on the deck so as to reach the same speed (80 knots) at the bottom of the ramp, not to enter the ramp at higher speed.

There are still limitations, the Harrier family were the first to exploit the benefits of Ramp launch because they could supplement wingborne lift after leaving the ramp with vectored thrust. Aircraft without vectored thrust eg SU-33 and Mig-29K have to rely on the high thrust to weight ratio inherent in their designs, but to maintain this ratio aircraft weight has to be kept down, limiting payload/fuel on launch. To compensate, higher powered engines would be needed, but the extra power would be disproportionate with current engine technology. Rocket assistance is dangerous to deck crews, and te rockets could only be fired safely after leaving the ramp. Not impossible, but too risky for normal ops.

Bottom line, if you can afford a catapult system for your carriers, you fit it and don't bother with the ramp. The ramp offers no benefits if your aircraft is already leaving the front of the carrier at flying speed.

With all due respect, I would disagree in principle. The stress on the undercarriage of an carrier launch aircraft is always immense regardless of if you use a CAT or a ski.

Lets run some simple numbers, lets say a 44 ton (lets say 4000 kg), F14 is propelled down the enterprise with a .. actually i can't find the launch force, but lets use your numbers; 300 feet = 100 meters, 130 knots = 67 m/s. Work = force X displacement, assuming work = K energy retained, so F X D = 1/2 X m X V^2

F = 0.5*4000*67^2/100 = 89.8 kN; around 20,000 lbf? does this sound right?

Assuming the nose gear is 1.5 meter high, that is 135 kNm or ~100,00 lbft of moment,

Assuming the nose gear is 4 inch diameter steel rod or 100 mm with a 10 mm wall, the shear stress is XX kPa; where the modulus of rigidity for steel is ~70 GPa

These are large numbers -> if I did not do something wrong, well I am a Mech, not a Material engineer; so I have no perception of how reasonable they are.

assuming a 12 deg ski vs a flat top,..... Actually, i don't want to go into a inertia calculation as all the simplifications will make it pretty moot.

What I am willing to say is that the rate of descend with the slamming of the front wheel onto the deck when the plane traps, will most likely result in a large compressive force on the front carriage assembly than a CAT can exert on a ski jump.

There are of course merit of using CAT and Ski together, you can use a smaller carrier to launch fully loaded planes that world normally require a fairly large flat top to launch. You also have the ability to launch CAP from battle damaged carrier that have so unluckily lost it's steam plant.

And frankly, the pulley system exist already, in the form of launched roller coasters. The Formula Rossa launches its cars at 150 mph in 4.9 seconds, while the Hypersonic XLC launches at 109 mph at 1.8 seconds. these roller coasters have a 90 deg vertical ramp. Of course a roller coaster is very different than an aircraft.

Note also, most of the lift an aircraft experiences is from the angle of attack, not from the lifting profile of the wing. Infact at low speeds angle of attack generate 80% of the lift while the profile itself only 20%? And the max profile lift is when the angle of attack is around 15 deg?


These pictures of the Indian IAC-I Vikrant said to be taken on 12 december 2012, its still floating and hasn't return to the dry dock yet. And it seems there hasn't been much work on it either in the last few months.






Jeff Head

Registered Member
These pictures of the Indian IAC-I Vikrant said to be taken on 12 december 2012, its still floating and hasn't return to the dry dock yet. And it seems there hasn't been much work on it either in the last few months.

View attachment 7298
Exterior on the structure, not much work will occur while she is sitting there in that position. However, I have been told that significant work continues internal to the carrier.

We saw a similar circumstance for years with the Liaoning while she sat at her berth. Ultimately, the big cranes were used and the exterior work necessary was accomplished, particularly to the island when it was modified.

But the IAC is new construction so the bow, stern and elevators, along with the island all still need to be added externally and that will not happen until she is back next to the cranes.

In the mean time, I would imagine outfitting (piping, HVAC, internal compartments, etc.) are moving forward. as they can.
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