Aircraft Carriers II (Closed to posting)

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Tyrant King
Although Retiring This ship Spain still has Juan Carlos class Ships which can operate the Matadors AKA Harriers of the Principe de Asturias, Basically they are doing the samething the brits did when they retired the Centaur class in favor of the Invincible class.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
News Flash! Spain to scrap it's lone aircraft carrier!!!

For what it's worth wiki backs up this article confirming the removal from service of the SAS Principe de Asturias (R-11)

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... is actually more capable than the Asturias. It is 10,000 tons larger and will hold 30 aircraft.

They've had the
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for pover 30 years and it is probably failry worn out. It is not a very big carrier (17,000 tons) and it has been put through its paces.

The Juan Calros is newer, bigger, and a multimission platform, capable of the Sea Control role with their Matadors (Harriers) or future JSF if they can afford them, and of LPH operations for combat or humanitarian because it has a well deck, and of course, OTH Air Assault from its deck.

So the Spanish will coninue with a capable naval air arm, but only one carrier.

The new
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(two vessels) are of the same class as the Juan Carlos, and the entire hull is built in Spain. Both of those hulls are complete and on their way to Australia where the ISlands will be built and the vessels outfitted.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
ooopppss..I forgot about the Prince Juan Calros. So it looks like the "extra" Harriers will just beef up the air wing ablities.


Junior Member
The PLAN should have made a decent offer to the Spaniards are awfully desperate for bailout funds. My Arabic friends told me an increasing number of Spaniards have been going to Tunisia to wait tables. :)

Jeff Head

Registered Member
The PLAN should have made a decent offer to the Spaniards are awfully desperate for bailout funds. My Arabic friends told me an increasing number of Spaniards have been going to Tunisia to wait tables. :)
At this point I do not think the PLAN wants the Asturia.

She is 17,000 tons, less than the Type 071 LPD, and she really was designed to be a Sea Control jump-jet carrier.

She has no arresting system and has no well deck.

She could be a helo carrier for ASW or for OTH Assault I suppose...but I think the PLAN is going there anyway on their own, probably with a very good well deck, and probably something on the order as twice the displacement.

As a result, acquiring a 30 year old small jump-jet carrier may just not be appealing to them at this point given where they are.

I am struggling trying to think of someone who could be interested. At the right price, prehaps the Thais, to go along with their similar in class vessel. But they can not even afford to train up and operate their own carrier as it is, so though it would seem logical for them...I think that is very far fetched to think they would...or even could.

Japanese? Nope, they are building their 22DDH and 24DDH vessels.

Koreans? Nope, they would build another Dokdo first and foremost to keep jobs in Korea, keep their technology base, and for commonality with the Dokdo.

Australians? No, they are already building the two Canberras that are common with Spain's own new Juan Carlos carrier.

India? No, they are moving away from such carriers and have their own well laid plans for the Vikramaditya, the Vikrant IAC and the second IAC carriers already in place and moving forward.

Not the UK or France. Not the US or Russia.

It would have to be some smaller maritime power who would feel they could use it to strengthen their existing Navy and could gain access to some Harriers. Vietnam? The Philippines? Pakistan? It would have to be someone like that, who has no carrier at all and who could get into the carrier world on the cheap I believe.

Sounds like the plans are pretty firm to scrap her though.


Tow truck on the Liaoning


...and some navy's using tractor instead of tow truck. Well, this is rather ironic but... I don't know how to say:

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