Aircraft Carriers II (Closed to posting)

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Jeff Head

Registered Member
Large carriers not yet in service
See the following site for a listing of all the World's Carriers, their specs, history and pictures, as well as all the world's large flat deck amphibious ships. (Note to Aksha: Wikipedia is not a good source to depend on for info...lots of info it is true, but usually lots of errors in there simply because almost anyone can post to it. Read it, and then do some real research before taking it for the gospel truth.)

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Some good links their describing the various types of carriers, and visually comparing them to one another.
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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
aksha, thanks for posting..but stop posting directly from wiki. Wikipedia is not 100% reliable. Why don't you tell us what you think? OK?!..

Also all that info you posted is know by most of the carrier aficanodes that post in this thread. I myself have served on 5 US Navy carriers..
Kennedy, Midway, Hancock, America & Nimitz. Much of the info you posted can be disputed. Did you get that at wiki?

It’s weapons systems and sensors are inferior to the Kuznetsov and Charles De Gaulle but this is mitigated by the abundance and excellence of its escorts

Whoever made this statement has no clue what a Nimitz class can do. None. The Nimitz weapons system is it's aircraft. Which operate in total conjunction with the ships CIC and her escorts.
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Just leave it behind

India would be better off leaving the Vikramaditya behind in Russia and save her self 2 billion $, not to mention the billions to come for the years to operate and maintain this ship. I have been aware of this project for some time but has only taken interest recently because of the pending sea trial. This aircraft carrier is a turkey and has inherited fatal flaws from the Admiral Gorshkov. First this aircraft carrier can only launch one plane at a time. This is because the oversized island is not placed all the way to the side but somewhere 3/4 of the ships beam. This has eaten up a lot of the space on the flight deck so leaving little room for flight ops. The second problem is that the elevators are also not located on the side but are also in the middle of the flight deck. There are 2 elevators a 20 ton elevator in the back of the ship in front of the "parking lot" behind the island and the main elevator of 30 ton were the MiG-29's come up from the hanger deck is placed beside the island right in the center and even stretches on to the runway were the aircrafts land. This means that if there are flight ops then the MiG's in the hanger cannot come up and if the MiG's were to come up flight ops has to be suspended. And if the main hanger elevator ever get stuck than you have to hope that they are close enough to the coast so that the MiG's can land in a airbase on land. There is virtuelly no room between the island and the runway leaving little to no room to work on the aircrafts on the flight deck. I don't know if the Russians retrofitted a jet blast deflector on the deck because there wasn't one on the Admiral Gorshkov. If not it will be interesting to know how far people will need to stand back on the cramp flight deck not to get burned by the 1300°C jet exhaust. The aircraft carrier only has 3 arrester wires because there is no room for the fourth one. And from the photo's we have seen from the inside of the ship it seems to me that the Russians spend the past 8 years installing new equipment rather then new technology. Those control panels looks brand new but also look like they were build in the Soviet Union in the 1970's.
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since the viraat is running out of jets and none of the type of jets that can be carried by it are available, can she be converted into something like a destroyer or something similar
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Jeff Head

Registered Member

INS Vikrant (Vikrant class):

Is that ship supposed to be an aircraft carrier or a container ship.considering its looks
You can see the two areas for the elevators in the picture. They have yet to complete the bow or the stern up to the flight deck, but they are making progress towards launching her next year at which time, as I explained to you in anothe rpost when you said the Vikramaditya was "boring" that by 2014 the INS will have two modern carriers and the MIG-29K aircraft to go wth them.

Do you have something personal against the INdian Navy? They are building a very effective modern fleet.
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