Aircraft Carriers II (Closed to posting)

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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Latest PLAN Aircraft Carrier Info & Photos

A major design consideration for USN is the ability to maintain a bombing campaign against some small or medium sized country.

Huh?? The mission of USN CVNs and the USN in general is summed up here..

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The United States has become increasingly entwined in the business and security issues with the rest of the world. Our economy and security depends upon our protecting our overseas interests as well as encouraging peace and stability around the globe. Forward presence by U.S. Navy aircraft carrier battle groups and amphibious ready groups helps us accomplish this. As former Secretary of Defense William Cohen stated: "If you don't have that forward deployed presence, you have less of a voice, less of an influence." The U.S. Navy is engaged. And engaged means being there.

As example, on 11 September 2001, USS Enterprise (CVN 65) had just been relieved from being on station in support of Operation Southern Watch. She was heading south in the Indian Ocean, beginning her trip back to homeport in Norfolk, Va., when, on television, they saw the live coverage of attack on the World Trade Center, then on the Pentagon. Enterprise, without an order from the chain of command, put the rudder over, executed a 180-degree course change and headed back to the waters off Southwest Asia. Enterprise then remained on station in support of Operation Enduring Freedom, launching air attacks against al Qaeda terrorist training camps and Taliban military installations in Afghanistan. For approximately the next three weeks, aircraft from Enterprise flew nearly 700 missions in Afghanistan, dropping hundreds of thousands of pounds of ordnance.

The carrier battle group, operating in international waters, does not need the permission of host countries for landing or overflight rights. Nor does it need to build or maintain bases in countries where our presence may cause political or other strains. Aircraft carriers are sovereign U.S. territory that steam anywhere in international waters — and most of the surface of the globe is water. This characteristic is not lost on our political decision-makers, who use Navy aircraft carriers as a powerful instrument of diplomacy, strengthening alliances or answering the fire bell of crisis. As former President Bill Clinton said during a visit to the aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt, "When word of crisis breaks out in Washington, it's no accident the first question that comes to everyone's lips is; where is the nearest carrier?"
The carrier battle group can not only operate independently but it presents a unique range of options to the President, Congress and Secretary of Defense. By using the oceans — more than 70% of the earth's surface is ocean — both as a means of access and as a base, forward-deployed Navy and Marine forces are readily available to provide the United States with a rheostat of national response capabilities. These capabilities range from simply showing the flag — just a presence — to insertion of power ashore. The unique contribution of aircraft carriers to our national security was best expressed by Gen. John Shalikashvili, former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who said during a visit to USS Dwight D. Eisenhower, "I know how relieved I am each time when I turn to my operations officer and say, 'Hey, where's the nearest carrier?' and he can say to me 'It's right there on the spot.' For United States' interests, that means everything."

PLAN would call that interfering in the affairs of that country and won't provide this capability in the
next half dozen or more carriers. So it doesn't need magazine space for these bombs and missiles.

You guys love to argue.

So what will the PLAN CVs be used for?

You need these weapons magazines so once hostilities starts you won't have to re-arm as often. Vert-repping weapons and un-repping weapons is very time consuming. I don't recall ever seeing the PLAN conducting a Vert-rep. I could be incorrect.

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Latest PLAN Aircraft Carrier Info & Photos

You should check out th new reactors the CVN-78 class of US Carriers will have. Smaller, and yet increasing the power by over 200%. Enough to accomplish EMAL cats, and to prepare for directed energy CIWS.

The US is already making great strides in reducing the size of its reactors while tremendously increasing their efficiency. They are doing this while cutting back the overall manpower needed to operate the new carrier by something over 1000 personnel.

But the 100,000 tons still allows for a carrier that can carry plenty of fuel and ordinance for its airwing, which is its primary reason for existing.

The more fuel and ordnance you carry, the more efficient you will be at those air operations, and the less often you will have to either UNREP or come back to port...meaning you will also be safer.
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Re: Latest PLAN Aircraft Carrier Info & Photos

The question, that isn't asked any more is, Why are the US victim of so many terrorist attacks?
It is because the US uses its tremendous military might to maintain and occasionally install dictators
and otherwise direct the policies of countries in its own interest, in violation of the Charter of the UN that was mostly written by US diplomats.
I'm here not interested in the morality of this. I just notice that the support for the Saudi government let incensed Saudi citizens to sacrifice their lives, and that of three thousand other people, to try to do something about this. This is the counterpart to Popeye's quote.

It is clear that only one country can be play this game. If there are two with similar power they will hinder the use of force on this scale. China will not build super carriers like the US because they can't us them in the way the US is. They are in the first place interested in deterring US interference in internal Chinese affairs, i.e. Taiwan. Next they want the freedom of navigation in East Asia to be protected by themselves together with other East Asian countries, because they have a greater interest in the matter than any country not living in the neighborhood. Then they want freedom of the seas everywhere.

In short, there is one global super power or there is none. With the development of US finances, which tphuang so neatly described as a Ponzi scheme, we are on our way to the second. In the mean time economic development in Asia and South America will ensure, that a new global super power cannot arise.
In that situation aircraft carriers will more closely resemble the Sea Control Ships that weren't built some forty years ago than the super carriers of today.
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Banned Idiot
Re: Latest PLAN Aircraft Carrier Info & Photos

It is still shocking to think about the size of the American navy. A lot people think that the US has 11 carriers, but they forget that there are another 10 40-50 thousand ton amphibious assault ships, which are pretty much medium sized STOL&VTOL carriers, with at least another 4 planned.
It's hard to imagine how China will ever protect itself against US without nuclear weapon; it's probably going to be the same as Iraq, except Shanghai will be the wild west instead.
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Senior Member
Re: Latest PLAN Aircraft Carrier Info & Photos

The question, that isn't asked any more is, Why are the US victim of so many terrorist attacks?
It is because the US uses its tremendous military might to maintain and occasionally install dictators
and otherwise direct the policies of countries in its own interest, in violation of the Charter of the UN that was mostly written by US diplomats.
I'm here not interested in the morality of this. I just notice that the support for the Saudi government let incensed Saudi citizens to sacrifice their lives, and that of three thousand other people, to try to do something about this. This is the counterpart to Popeye's quote.

It is clear that only one country can be play this game. If there are two with similar power they will hinder the use of force on this scale. China will not build super carriers like the US because they can't us them in the way the US is. They are in the first place interested in deterring US interference in internal Chinese affairs, i.e. Taiwan. Next they want the freedom of navigation in East Asia to be protected by themselves together with other East Asian countries, because they have a greater interest in the matter than any country not living in the neighborhood. Then they want freedom of the seas everywhere.

In short, there is one global super power or there is none. With the development of US finances, which tphuang so neatly described as a Ponzi scheme, we are on our way to the second. In the mean time economic development in Asia and South America will ensure, that a new global super power cannot arise.
In that situation aircraft carriers will more closely resemble the Sea Control Ships that weren't built some forty years ago than the super carriers of today.

Interesting and good point about the carrier of tomorrow being more akin to Admiral Zumwalt’s planned SCS of the 70’s than to the NIMITZ class. But there is obviously a lower limit beyond which you cannot go if you wish to operate fast jets. The CHARLES DE GAULLE at 42,000 tonnes is a minimum, and if the French decide to build a second carrier (I think they will not), it would be substantially larger. As Obi Wan Russell points out, steel is not that expensive.

As I recall, the British were thinking about a 50,000 tonne-ship when they started planning the CVF and ended up with the 65,000-t QUEEN ELIZABETH. When or if the Chinese decide the build a nuclear carrier, they will likely have a 75,000-ton ship, as I think they will use the ULYANOVSK design as a basis (I do not believe that China can yet design a carrier from the bottom up: even for the new destroyers and frigates – 052 and 054 – they almost certainly had foreign, i.e. French, design assistance).

Smaller carriers, incl. the planned SCS and the US LHA’s and LHD’s mentioned, rely on VTOL aircraft which may soon not be available. When the F-35B’s two-year probation period is over, I think it will be cancelled by Gates’ successor (since he did not have the guts to do it himself). That will not only create problems for the US amphibious community, but for a lot of other people, too.

The interesting Italian design, for instance, the CAVOUR, will appear rather stupid without the F-35B, once their Harriers are finally scrapped. On the other hand, as it has an improveable ski-jump, perhaps they could use it for conventional take-off. If the Russians (and soon the Chinese) can launch FLANKERs from a 105 m runway, there seems to be no reason why other people cannot do the same (something to reflect upon for the Japanese, as they finalise plans for the two 22DDH ships).

As for the 40,000-ton US LHA/LHD typea, I’m not sure that they have actually been used much for operating AV-8. And there are, as far as I can understand, any plans to expand the fleet beyond the current 10. The last but one of the LHA 1 class, the NASSAU, will decomission this spring before a replacement is even ready. Retirement at the age of 32 for a US ship of that size does not, by the way, signal a very successful construction programme. The successors, AMERICA class LHA 6-7, appear to be going to be the only of their class, at least for the next many years.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Re: Latest PLAN Aircraft Carrier Info & Photos

Off topic but I have to answer this before I go to work..

As for the 40,000-ton US LHA/LHD type, I’m not sure that they have actually been used much for operating AV-8.

Every LHA/LHD deploys with Harriers. During the Gulf War II two LHAs deployed with 20 Harriers each. This also occuried in 1981 when the Nassau deployed as a pocket CV with the same 20 Harriers + helos.

The last but one of the LHA 1 class, the NASSAU, will decomission this spring before a replacement is even ready. Retirement at the age of 32 for a US ship of that size does not, by the way, signal a very successful construction programme.

I agree that these ships life has been short. However.. These ships have been in constant use and deployments since 1978. That's very successful.

Also the USS Peleliu LHA-5 is still in commission. And it is my understanding the USN is planning at least three America class LHAs not two.

I may move these last post to the carrier thread later today.. I gotta go scrap frost off my car..

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Re: Latest PLAN Aircraft Carrier Info & Photos

As for the 40,000-ton US LHA/LHD typea, I’m not sure that they have actually been used much for operating AV-8. And there are, as far as I can understand, any plans to expand the fleet beyond the current 10. The last but one of the LHA 1 class, the NASSAU, will decomission this spring before a replacement is even ready. Retirement at the age of 32 for a US ship of that size does not, by the way, signal a very successful construction programme. The successors, AMERICA class LHA 6-7, appear to be going to be the only of their class, at least for the next many years.
Actualy, they have all deployed with Harriers and those Harriers have been used quite extensively. Thye are their for close air support and have been used in combat in that r9ole numerous times. Their decomissioning is much more a result of politics and budgetary concerns than their usefulness or ability to keep working. The US has decided to go with ten for the forseeable future instead of twelve, again, mainly to save costs. I expect several of these will remain in reserve...but time will tell.

As to the America, it will be interesting to see what the second two are configured to be like, but the first one is clearly going to be a large air assault (meaning helo and air support vessel for the US Marines, and she is well on in her construction.

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Re: Latest PLAN Aircraft Carrier Info & Photos

You seem to be forgetting Japan, which had not only defeated China 1894-95, but also Russia 1904-05, hence may well be qualified as militarily competent.
Japan was certainly militarily competent and Great Britain was sufficiently impressed to signed a treaty with that country in 1902, but ever few British diplomats would have included Japan when uttering the formula "Concert of Powers".
And while the British were building Dreadnoughts for South American countries, they didn't count either.
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Re: Latest PLAN Aircraft Carrier Info & Photos

Interesting and good point about the carrier of tomorrow being more akin to Admiral Zumwalt’s planned SCS of the 70’s than to the NIMITZ class. But there is obviously a lower limit beyond which you cannot go if you wish to operate fast jets. The CHARLES DE GAULLE at 42,000 tonnes is a minimum, and if the French decide to build a second carrier (I think they will not), it would be substantially larger. As Obi Wan Russell points out, steel is not that expensive.

As I recall, the British were thinking about a 50,000 tonne-ship when they started planning the CVF and ended up with the 65,000-t QUEEN ELIZABETH. When or if the Chinese decide the build a nuclear carrier, they will likely have a 75,000-ton ship, as I think they will use the ULYANOVSK design as a basis (I do not believe that China can yet design a carrier from the bottom up: even for the new destroyers and frigates – 052 and 054 – they almost certainly had foreign, i.e. French, design assistance).

Smaller carriers, incl. the planned SCS and the US LHA’s and LHD’s mentioned, rely on VTOL aircraft which may soon not be available. When the F-35B’s two-year probation period is over, I think it will be cancelled by Gates’ successor (since he did not have the guts to do it himself). That will not only create problems for the US amphibious community, but for a lot of other people, too.

The interesting Italian design, for instance, the CAVOUR, will appear rather stupid without the F-35B, once their Harriers are finally scrapped. On the other hand, as it has an improveable ski-jump, perhaps they could use it for conventional take-off. If the Russians (and soon the Chinese) can launch FLANKERs from a 105 m runway, there seems to be no reason why other people cannot do the same (something to reflect upon for the Japanese, as they finalise plans for the two 22DDH ships).

As for the 40,000-ton US LHA/LHD typea, I’m not sure that they have actually been used much for operating AV-8. And there are, as far as I can understand, any plans to expand the fleet beyond the current 10. The last but one of the LHA 1 class, the NASSAU, will decomission this spring before a replacement is even ready. Retirement at the age of 32 for a US ship of that size does not, by the way, signal a very successful construction programme. The successors, AMERICA class LHA 6-7, appear to be going to be the only of their class, at least for the next many years.

Indeed steel is cheap, but you still have to move it through the water. It always makes sense to try to design the smallest thingy that will do the job. I'm not one who thinks that everything older than five years is to old to consider, as I was told some students do now, but there can be no occasion to go back to a design of forty years before.
The fight deck must be long enough and wide enough to allow work without needing respotting if you want to launch or recover aircraft. To do that in a medium sized aircraft carrier you choose the tricat concept. By the time the Chinese build their first nuclear powered aircraft carrier they will likely have developed the first Thorium molten salt reactor for naval use. These are much smaller and lighter, and need much less shielding, than the most modern light water reactor. That reactor might be sized to build one into an escort and perhaps three into the aircraft carrier.
If that first Chinese aircraft carrier is of the tonnage CdG it will be longer and wider and use more steel, but have a lighter and more efficient power plant and a wider hangar. If cats are built into the ski jump the length of deck needed for take off is reduced compared with KUZNETSOV, so a larger part of the deck remains for other purposes.
Two of such aircraft carriers might be built for the price of one based on the ULYANOVSK design. Less intimidating to the neighbors and more flexible.


Senior Member
Re: Latest PLAN Aircraft Carrier Info & Photos

The Concert of Powers was (is?) of course a purely European concept, but the significance of Japan goes beyond the fact that Britain found it useful to conclude a treaty in 1902 (in effect, giving Japan back-cover for the forthcoming war with Russia). In 1914, Japan not only seized the German possession of Qingdao (adding it to their naval base at Port-Arthur, little knowing that they were laying the foundations for China's future North Sea Fleet and indeed, whole Navy). They also took part in the chase of German cruisers in the Pacific, simultaneously gobbling up Germany's Pacific islands, and later provided destroyers for ASW in the Mediterranean, while also building a series of destroyers for the French Navy. They thus became the first Asian power in the European theatre since the Mongols...
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