Regarding the news on india´s carrier program (see post 1058), do you think that USA will agree to sell catapults to india? (i cant see them developing it themselves)
I can see them developing steam catapults themselves, after all they used to operate a steam catapult aboard the old Vikrant. It's a technology that holds no secrets from them. Steam Catapults are very low tech, simple engineering that is easy to scale up or down as required. Indian heavy industry has all the plant and machinery needed to manufacture cats, I know, because in the 90s I helped ship a lot of it out there! It's where a lot of the heavy manufacturing plant we used to have went to when our industry was shut down. McTaggert Scott, the Scottish engineering company that manufactured the original British Steam Catapults which were exported around the world is still a thriving concern (they make lifts for carriers amongst other carrier specific items) and retain the ability to manufacture steam catapults (they have been providing replacement parts for them for years. BNS Sao Paolo? Two BS5s recently overhauled) if required.
It's not a question of if they can be provided, it's the paralysing nature of Indian politics and procurement. If they issued a requirement now, they could have cats ready for the new Vikrant when she commissions, but they won't be ordered for another ten years! Bad Management is both the British Disease and it seems the Indian disease too.