Aircraft Carriers II (Closed to posting)

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bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
I moved the last few post to this thread well because I have the ability to do so.:D Plus the discussion about EMAL on an non existent PLAN CV is ridiculous. Let's see what sort of CV they send to sea before we discuss EMAL.

And I do like discussions not arguments.:)


New Member
Re: Latest PLAN Aircraft Carrier Info & Photos


We are professionals. We don't argue; we discuss.

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by my friend Bill Sweetman on the EMALS system. Check out the weight involved in that system. I still believe if it doesn't work in time, the USN will do what they always do - throw money at the problem.

I'm watching Peter Frost's reporting, he'll know before anyone else what the results are. My research on how hard it is to redesign for steam is based on questions asked of Captain J. Talbot Manvel, Professor of warship design at the US Naval Academy and formally the first Program Manager for the Future Carrier Program that designed the new Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier.

You should see Captain Manvel's models of the CVN-21 program alternatives, including his model of the stealth aircraft carrier they looked at, but ultimately decided not to build due to cost (and the fact no aircraft carrier is stealthy from space). I found that with free beer he'll bring the models to the pub and let you check them out. :)

no pictures??:mad:

Jeff Head

Registered Member
Thanks Jeff! I musta missed that one!:D

I know you and your family had a Very Merry Christmas! My best wishes to you and yours this Holiday Season!
Thanks Popeye. We did have both a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...despite all else. I trust and hope you and yours had the same.

BTW, I now have the:

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up on my
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. It's under the
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. Check it out.


The Brazilien Sao Paulo CV is back in service.
I haven't seen any pictures of it, what were the flight deck modifications made?

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Refitted Sao Paulo returns to sea

By Nick Brown - 08 January 2010

South America's sole operational aircraft carrier, the Brazilian Navy's Clemenceau-class São Paulo, finally returned to sea in late December after an extensive refit and upgrade.

The ship had been at the Arsenal de Marinha at Rio de Janeiro since May 2005 undergoing a full programme of repair and enhancement work focusing primarily on São Paulo's propulsion systems, which were completely rebuilt, and catapults, which have been refurbished. A number of other enhancements have also been introduced, including a new satellite communications fit, three new twin-Mistral surface-to-air missile launchers and an unspecified new electronic warfare system.

As well as the catapult refurbishments, the refit also saw several flight deck modifications.

Pending the success of the sea trials, the carrier air group is due to fly aboard in February and begin working up with the new deck layout and their upgraded A-4s.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
4 years and 6 months in a re-fit? Dang they could have built a new ship in that time.

I hope all the bugs will be worked out as all ships coming out of re-fit have and the ship becomes a viable part of Brazil's defense. Now maybe some nation can sell them some modern aircraft like a Rafael or Hornet...


Tyrant King
there have been reports of a buy of about 36 Rafael's by the Brazilians although they are still iffy as after the announcement other members of the Brazilian government claimed otherwise.


New Member
It would make sense to have a buy of Rafales if they use it for their airforce as well. But if I were Brazil, I would try to order ones with folding wings. Originally thats what the french were going to do. It would make sense due to the smaller size of the Sao Paulo. Operations should be easy since Rafales were tested for carrier operations in that ship when it was in the French Navy.

bd popeye

The Last Jedi
VIP Professional
Italy to send Cavour to Haiti for relief mission.

Excellent. I wish them well! This is their first deployment.:)

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(ANSA) - Rome, January 18 - Italy's newest aircraft carrier, the Cavour, will set sail Tuesday for Haiti to provide logistical and and operational support to relief efforts there, navy sources said on Monday.

Captain Gianluigi Reversi will command the mission which will see the participation of the military corps of engineers who will be bringing some 100 vehicles, including earth-moving and construction equipment. The mission is a joint one with Brazil which will provide doctors and nurses for the ship's fully-equipped onboard hospital which has various operating rooms and wards for intensive care and first aid.

The hospital staff will be picked up when the Cavour makes a technical stop in Brazil after crossing the Atlantic.

This will be the maiden mission for the Cavour which entered service in June of last year. The ship has a crew of 530, although it can host up to 1,200 people, and carries up to 20 helicopters and aircraft.

Aside from its state-of-the-art medical facilities, the Cavour, which can cruise at 30 knots, can generate enough electricity for 6,000 homes.


Junior Member
4 years and 6 months in a re-fit? Dang they could have built a new ship in that time.

I hope all the bugs will be worked out as all ships coming out of re-fit have and the ship becomes a viable part of Brazil's defense. Now maybe some nation can sell them some modern aircraft like a Rafael or Hornet...

The main issue that will come with buying bigger fighter aircraft is capacity to deploy a coherent air defense or strike capabilities, as we already know, Sao Paulo's catapults are 50m long shorter than the ones that are on Nimitz class or De Gaulle, so, the maximum payload at launch will be really limited in comparison to the fighter's intrinsic capabilities and the air group will come with a very potent aircraft but likely with the payload of a light/VTOL aircraft, but the costs will be very prohibitive.

I think with the actual carrier, they won't going to have a powerful air group and might choose to take ex-French Navy Super Etendard with upgraded avionics that will leave French service very soon. Brazil will really have to think about a heavier carrier if they want to get something serious to put into the balance, like France and U.S. are doing and so on other nations in the future.

Neutral Zone

Junior Member
I think the Brazilians would be better served going for something like the Aussie Canberra class LHD's that Jeff showed above and buying some F-35's for them rather than trying to keep an old ship in service and having an air group that can't perform to it's full potential.
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