I have proved it to you is a Mexican company, simply you do not want to believe itAnyhow...my point is simple. If DroneTech is indeed a US Company, then the design they sell is going to be considered a US design.
If, OTHOH, you can show that the company itself originated in Mexico and has its headquarters there...then it is indeed a Latin American company.
This is not a dis on the design...it looks interesting. Simply wanting to keep the Latin American Aerospace Thread focused on Latin America.
I know you do not Speak Spanish and i did translate which is the text written by Escarpita him self:
Development of unmanned aerial vehicles fixed wing
ability to takeoff and vertical landing
. Escárpita Arellano, J. G. Sada Salinas
Dronetech S.A.P.I. de C.V.
Desarrollo de vehículos aéreos no tripulados de ala fija con capacidad de despegue y aterrizaje vertical D.A. Arellano Escárpita, J.G. Sada Salinas Dronetech S.A.P.I. de C.V.
In fact thes are the owners of aerotech
David Alejandro Arellano EscárpitaDavid Alejandro Arellano Escárpita Ingeniero Mecánico egresado del Instituto Tecnológico de Durango en 2002. Obtuvo el grado de Maestría en Ingeniería Mecánica con especialidad en Diseño Mecánico en 2004 en la Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica, Eléctrica y Electrónica de la Universidad de Guanajuato y Doctorado en Ciencias de Ingeniería con especialidad en Mecatrónica en 20011 en el Instituto Tecnológico de Monterrey. Es co-fundador de la empresa Aerovantech S.A.P.I. de C.V. donde es responsable del desarrollo de vehículos aéreos no tripulados desde el 2010. Jaime G. Sada Salinas Es Ingeniero con especialidad en gerencia egresado del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts y Maestro en Administración de Negocios por Wharton, Universidad de Pennsylvania. Es socio fundador de la empresa Aerovantech, donde además tiene la responsabilidad de la Dirección General. Tiene grán experiencia como piloto de vuelo privado y deportivo y construcción aeronáutica de modelos experimentales
Mechanical Engineer Institute of Technology
Durango in 2002. He obtained his Masters degree in
Mechanical Engineering with specialization in Design
Mechanic in 2004 at the Faculty of Engineering
Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics, University of
Guanajuato and Doctorate in Engineering Sciences with
specializing in Mechatronics in 20011 at the Institute
Tecnologico de Monterrey. He is co-founder of the
Aerovantech company S.A.P.I. de C.V. where is
responsible for the development of unmanned aerial vehicles
unmanned since 2010.
Jaime G. Sada Salinas
He is a graduate engineer specializing in management
Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Master
Business Administration from Wharton, University
Pennsylvania. He is a founding partner of the company
Aerovantech, which also has responsibility for
the Directorate General. He has extensive experience as
Private pilot and sport flying and construction
experimental aircraft models
This link was written by Escarpita:
Aerovantech is the same company Dronetech S.A.P.I. de C.V, Jaime G. Sada Salinas is an old engineer from Nuevo Leaon Mexico
If you do not believe it here is the Proof
His facebook page says he is from Nuevo Leon Mexico and CEO of Dronetech
This is Escarpita`s facebook
they are 100% mexican
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