Aerospace Industry in Latin America


More news from Cicare, Aerois Naviter license build the Cicare 7T, making this Spanish company a big success for Cicare, since it is build in Gipuzkoa, Spain, it is exporting from Europe the Cicare Helicopters, making it a tiny Embraer

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An AWACS designed and built by Embraer for the Indian air force, the EMB-145 AEW&C.


This is an old UAV designed and built in Brazil in 1982, it was powered by a domestic jet engine.

BQM1BR, manufactured by defunct CBT (Brazilian Company of Tractors), of the Jet Propulsion! Turbine Tiête TJ-2, manufactured by the CTA (Aerospace Technical Center). This prototype would serve as aerial target, and it seems that conducted a flight in 1983
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Final proof Dronetech is a Mexican company

Otra de las empresas que ya se encuentra incursionando en el mundo de las aeronaves no tripuladas es Dronetech SAPI de C.V., compañía ubicada en el municipio de Monterrey, Nuevo León y que se dedica a la producción de aeronaves no tripuladas desarrolladas por capital humano mexicano.

“Nosotros empezamos el proyecto cuando éramos maestros del Tec de Monterrey, inició gracias a la inquietud de nuestros alumnos. Después nos independizamos y comenzamos el proyecto. Hoy en día diseñamos el avión y mandamos hacer los moldes para fabricarlos aquí, entonces a partir de ellos mandamos a hacer las alas, fuselaje”, manifestó Arturo Galván, Gerente General de Dronetech.

La empresa regiomontana cuenta con dos tipos de aviones no tripulados en su catálogo, conformado por el Albatross y el Pelican.
En el caso del primero tiene una envergadura de cinco metros, así como una longitud de tres metros, además de que dispone de dos motores de gasolina y pesa solamente 120 kilogramos. Gracias a estas características el equipo puede mantenerse en el aire hasta 60 horas con una velocidad de 100 kilómetros por hora.

Mientras que el Pelican es un poco más pequeño, pues cuenta con tres metros de envergadura y tiene la capacidad de autonomía de 12 horas. No obstante una de las ventajas de este modelo es que tiene la habilidad de despegar verticalmente, mientras que el Albatross lo hace de manera tradicional.

“Es mucho más sencillo despegar de manera vertical, para empezar no se requiere una pista, y para la computadora, es más fácil controlar un despegue vertical que uno tradicional”, explicó Galván.

Cabe destacar que Dronetech tiene una capacidad de producción y desarrollo de 10 aeronaves no tripuladas por año, las cuales se realizan bajo altos estándares de calidad para que su sistema cumpla todos los requerimientos de los clientes.

Asimismo los drones de la empresa regiomontana son producidos en base a fibra de vidrio de grado aeronáutico, así como algunas fibras de carbono.
Another company that is now entering the world of aircraft not manned is Dronetech SAPI de CV, a company located in the city of Monterrey, Nuevo Leon and dedicated to the production of aircraft not manned developed by Mexican human capital.

"We started the project when we were masters of the Tec de Monterrey, he started thanks to the concern of our students. After we became independent and started the project. Today, we design the plane and send making molds to manufacture here, then send them from making the wings, fuselage, "said Arturo Galvan, General Manager Dronetech.

The Monterrey company has two types of drones in its portfolio, consisting of the Albatross and the Pelican.
In the first case it has a wingspan of five meters and a length of three meters, in addition to having two petrol engines and weighs only 120 kilograms. Thanks to these features the team can stay in the air up to 60 hours at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour.

While the Pelican is a little smaller, because it has three meters wide and has the capacity for autonomy of 12 hours. However one advantage of this model is that it has the ability to take off vertically, while the Albatross traditionally does.

"It's much easier to take off vertically, to begin a court is not required, and for the computer, it is easier to control a traditional one vertical takeoff," said Galvan.

Notably Dronetech has a production capacity and development 10 unmanned aircraft per year, which are performed under high quality standards for your system meets all customer requirements.

The drones also the Monterrey company are produced based on fiberglass, aircraft grade, as well as some carbon fibers.

here is the contact for the General manager of Dronetech

Dronetech SAPI, de C.V.
Arturo Galván
Gerente General
[email protected]
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picture of Dronetech general Manager Arturo Galvan and the designer of the pelican Alejandro Escarpita




Recently presented the TJ-200 jet engine, made by Polaris from Brazil, it is a Brazilian designed engine


The TJ-1000 jet engine also powers the naval missile made by Avibras, Brazil has basically designed the jet engine and missile.
The polaris TJ-1000 powers the avibras AV-TM-300 cruise missile, it has been reported the TJ-100 has already started series production

A small Brazilian company has unveiled the country's first turbojet engine designed and manufactured in-country to start filling a critical gap in the nation's aerospace industrial base.

Polaris expects to begin test flights of the 1,000lb-thrust (4.45kN) class TJ1000 on board the Avibras AVMT-300 Matador cruise missile in the next three or four months, says company director Malrum Medici.

"It's a technological breakthrough in Brazil," he says
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Jeff Head

Registered Member
The polaris TJ-1000 powers the avibras AV-TM-300 cruise missile, it has been reported the TJ-100 has already started series production
The AV-TM-300 cruise missile will be a nice weapon for Brazil or anyone who buys it.

As I understand it would carry a 200kg warhead out to 300km with GPS /INS and terrain matching guidance capability.

Isn't it principally a land-launched program right now?

Do they plan on it being either air or sea launched?

What's the current status?


The AV-TM-300 cruise missile will be a nice weapon for Brazil or anyone who buys it.

As I understand it would carry a 200kg warhead out to 300km with GPS /INS and terrain matching guidance capability.

Isn't it principally a land-launched program right now?

Do they plan on it being either air or sea launched?

What's the current status?
It seems it is a naval program however it can be launched by the ASTROS system
At the end of this video you can see the missile being launched


Military engine capable of providing up to 1000 lbf of thrust power. A very good choice for high performance UAVs, Cruise Missiles and air target drones. The large number of possible applications for this engine makes it very attractive and a potential exponent within brazilian aeronautical industries.


  • Thrust: 1000lbf
  • Specific Consumption: 1.18 kg/kgf/h
  • Weight: 67Kg
  • Lenght: 1080mm
  • Diameter: 350mm
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It has been said they have delivered 11 jet engines, thus it has began very limited series production
This is the TJ-200

Turbine TJ200
TJ200 was specially designed to be used in either small cruise missiles or small high performance UAVs. The most important advantage of TJ200 engine is small diameter and a relatively low SFC (Specific Fuel Consumption) when compared to other engines of the same thrust, what makes TJ200 perfect to be used in long range small missiles.


  • Thrust: 220lbf ISA, SL
  • Specific Consumption: 1.36 kg/kgf/h
  • Weight: 10Kg
  • Lenght: 480mm (without nose)
  • Diameter: 160mm
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This is the data for the TJ-2000 see it is very small and light, it is said it is so good it was offered to the USA


The TJ-1000 jet engine on a segment of the AV-TM-300 cruise missile


the TJ-1000 jet engine


AV-TM-300 cruise missile launched from the Astros system

From Rio de Janeiro

In 2003 the Brazilian company Polaris, based in Sao Jose dos Campos-SP, has initiated a project 10 years later, would become a source of pride for us Brazilians. TJ1000 was born the development of a turbojet 67kg, 120 cm length, 35 cm in diameter and able to generate 1000 pounds of thrust. The first of its kind developed in Brazil with sufficient level of maturity to be marketed.

Other turbojet projects existed in the country, but most were born as a result of academic research and experimentation purposes. The TJ1000 is a well-defined product, with patterns that give you the ability to be produced in series.
The challenges faced by the company were not simple throughout the development, and an example is the four compressor stages machined in one piece. Part of enormous technical complexity due to the precision that each fin must have in its dimensions in order to direct air precisely the way the bill provides, otherwise the engine power is compromised and may even cause unnecessary turbulence inside the turbine making -a fail.

During a brief interview in April this year, during LAAD, Mairun Medici, Director of Polaris, explained that the TJ1000 is a project that was in the pre-series stage and has served as the company's technology demonstrator. Despite being the first Brazilian model turbojet developed for commercial purposes, Medici is reticent to consider their product as the "first national turbojet", considering the national projects mentioned above as "successful initiatives."

Medici also explains that it is not the TJ1000 that will equip the cruise missile AV / TM-300 Avibrás, but a derived turbine, developed in part by the very Avibrás, based on technology transferred by Polaris.

Develop different versions of the TJ1000 is currently the company's goal, thinking in larger and smaller models for use in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, missiles and even as a turboprop aircraft engine the size of a T-27 Tucano, for example.

Currently the company is also working on another turbojet, the TJ1200, with 1,200 pounds of thrust and weighing 70kg. It is considered an evolution of the TJ1000.

Turkey and South Africa have shown great interest in the Polaris turbines and some contacts were also made with Venezuela. Considering the company's ability to design and adapt turbines according to customer needs, other countries should keep an eye on the products of this Brazilian company.

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Thursday, 06 August 2015 17:25

Queretaro could receive a new investment per up to US$400 million from Safran Group to build its sixth plant in the state. The plant is expected to be settled in Queretaro's Aerospace Park. The company will assembly new aircraft engines, which would save 30% fuel and emit 40% less noise. Safran considers Queretaro as one of the states with the greatest potential to develop the project, which would generate a huge number of jobs in the aerospace industry, said Dario Malpica, President of the Mexico's Employers Council (Coparmex) in Queretaro.
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An aircraft that never flew the IA-67 Cordoba, from Argentina


Same aircraft different configuration


Ran the 80s when the Venezuelan Air Force (FAV) showed a strong interest in the IA-58 Pucara, which fit almost perfectly to your requirements. Lacked resolve a conditioning point, since the FAV not want the plane was equipped with Turbomeca Aztazou, for which the Military Aircraft Factory (FMA) entrusted to Volpar Inc. (Van Nuys, California), the modification of a exemplary standard with Garrett TPE-331 engines. Thus it came the IA-66, due to the possibility of stronger sales received from a foreign customer. The project was carried out by the technical staff of the FMA of Córdoba, together with the company Volpar AEROFALCON and American, with the intention of making an interesting Pucara aircraft for the international market. Until then he had failed to enforce any sale abroad, and would gradually diluting the chances of recovering the high cost meant its design and manufacture. The power plant suggested by Garrett TPE-AiResearch was 331-11-601W of 1000 shp. Remember that the prototype of the IA-58 called A-X2, there were initially taken two TPE 331-U-303 of 904 shp, but due to the need for greater power and immediate response from the French Turbomeca, which then developed exclusive version called Aztazou XVI-G of 1021 shp, we opted for the French power plant. The passing of time demonstrated that this was not a wise choice as the Aztazou, proved to be the biggest stumbling block to save from the point of view of marketing model. Furthermore these motors integrated a lot of buying to France which included the first 12 M-IIIEA and other military equipment. Because the maximum operational speed of Pucara, near 750 km / h, was higher than the normal average for other aircraft powered with TPE 331, the design of fairings turboprops demanded a thorough study by Volpar. This company had experience in structural modification of cells Beechcraft D-18 that became the Volpar Turboliner Turbo 18, and on another occasion had already approached the FAA with some turbinización project. For this was sent from the FMA play Wings Pucará A-539 (later AX-06 demonstrator future IA-66). The amended plane made its first flight in October '81 to the FMA, but the effort was not enough and the preliminary contract of sale of 24 units with the FAV, expired due to credit crunch. The AX-06 was cast aside until after it became a heavily artillery car version IA-58C or Pucara Charlie (currently on display at the Technological Aerospace Museum in Rio IV, Córdoba).
Born Córdoba
Meanwhile, in the late 70s it was clear that in a relatively short time the Air Force Argentina and LADE would have to have a replacement and complement in the strip occupied by the IA-50 Guarani and Douglas DC-3 and C 47. Although the international market did not lack suitable candidates, the domestic economy was seriously affected and scarce financial resources, which was a serious problem during the selection process. Then he presented was Volpar an economically viable solution in the form of a twin-engine commuter transport type, pressurized, which use major parts of the IA-66. The project was approved and gave rise to the IA-67 Cordoba, according to studies Volpar, have a wide projection in the international market supply lines. In the original request a payload of 3630 kg, or 20 passengers, cruising speed of 400 km / h, 0.22 kg / cm2 pressurization and 1400 km range was established. In September '80 Volpar Inc. sent the FMA, the documents defined as "conceptual study of a pre-prototype for a utility transport aircraft", which had the following parts in common with the IA-66: Central wing box , engine nacelles, foreign semialas, flaps, leading edges (as in Pucara are structural part of the wing) and vertical tail planes. It was considered appropriate configuration double tail unit (similar to IAI Arava), but also showed the derived alternative single large area. The structural dimensioning of the alar plant (calculated under MIL-A-8860-70, for an attack aircraft) exceeded the maximum given by FAR standards for commuter airplanes, but with increasing the size to fit the utility model and removing the shields, the robust landing gear and armaments, such oversizing disappeared. Thus the development of IA-67 and is advanced in time with respect to the pre-production prototypes of concept study. According to the "Plan Volpar" the Cordoba project consisted of five phases: I-Study pre-conceptual prototype (Volpar). II construction program prototypes (Volpar). III-production Program (FMA). IV-certification under FAA (Volpar) standards. V-sales and marketing program for everyone (Volpar). Volpar interest go beyond technical development, as the company had experience in certification and sale of own products, and its executives had seen in the Cordoba the opportunity to create a transport plane that although was formed from Pucara parts it was still new concept. The most important in relation to development advantage final cost was based on the reuse of the elements of the production line IA-58. What little new jigs (36% of the line) for the construction of the fuselage, landing gear and other parts, would be produced in a time and significantly less than that required for a completely new machine cost.
wing Area 45.24 m2
MTOW 12 250 kg
Wingspan 21,34 m
Max.1 payload 3400 kg
Trocha 4,191 m
Wing loading 270.8 kg / m2
Scope 1400 km
31 passengers
Fuel max. 3400 lt
Cabin section 2.28 x 2.28 m
Max ceiling. 7500 m
Engines (developing) TPE 331-15
Vel. Cruising 390 km / h
Power 2 x 1700 ESHP

According to a report by the FMA in February '81, from the analysis of Volpar Plan, making light transport aircraft for civil and military use in the FMA would provide a product of very interesting market, which cover capacities simultaneously waste production estimated for the next ten years. The three prototypes needed (two dedicated to flight test) could be completed within a little over a year and relatively low values. Moreover it concluded that the IA-67 would have been highly competitive with equivalent pairs, while considering new parts to build would be the simplest and the plant was resolved and a light wing main train fixed and would be used (the nose would be retractable). Aircraft compared to the IA-67 were the EMB-120 Shorts Skyvan, House 212-100 and the Arava IAI. During Phase I Volpar studied in the wind tunnel to ensure the stability and control of Córdoba, and produced four models to 1/48 scale exhibition. It also found advantages and disadvantages of the different configurations of cola and non-pressurized version. The final preliminary features delivered by Volpar are shown in the table. But outside the project questions the same could not be carried out as planned, and was abruptly canceled when it was ready to enter Phase II. Instead time later he moved with ATL, a product offered by Dornier FMA team working in Germany with the IA-63 Pampa. Despite having an identical projection market Córdoba, the ATL was a totally new and with similar characteristics to IA-67 monoderiva, laying should assume a high development costs relative to Córdoba aircraft. This new utility aircraft, despite being widely promoted, could not pass the prototype stage and fell to the IA-70 (CBA-123), then also canceled.
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