Well do not worry, Brazil is known internationally because they have the most developed aerospace industry in Latin America, and they are known because their Embraer aircraft are in many countries, and are well sold.b787,
You are doing a good job of keeping people like me informed of developments there. Never knew they, other than Brazil, have such capabilities.
Mexico and Argentina had good starts, Mexico in WWI, had from tanks to aircraft built at the workshops of TNCA, Argentina was even more famous because they built jet fighters in 1947.
In 1922, Mexico could had started an aerospace industry that in 2015 could had been like France`s; and since 1947, Argentina could had done the same, they could had rival Sweden in 2015.
Their failure is based in their policies.
This is the Serie H fighter, this had an Engine made and designed in Mexico, it was designed in Mexico in the the time period of 1915-1922
Why Brazil succeed?
The answer is on their policies, in Latin America all our aircraft have to be civil because we do not have large military budgets, with the relative exception of Brazil and we are prone to be pressured by England and the US to stop doing military aircraft.
In Mexico`s case, the US pressured (economically and politically) Mexico to stop designing and building military aircraft in the 1930s, by 1940, the Mexican designer Lascurian, thought to build civil aircraft, but he died in 1957 flying the Aura one of his creations and his company halted work in aviation.
This is the sport an aircraft designed in Mexico in 1940 when Mexico tried to move to the civil aircraft market
Embraer has succeed, because they had a clear and coherent policy, they sell and export, they involve their clients, they use top technology and their governments have supported a bit their success in few words their main goal is economic success by designing aircraft that supply a real need at a good price and have little possibility of embargos.
Nowadays, Mexico has moved to a different policy, in Mexico they have invited many american and European aerospace companies to build and design aircraft in Mexico, Mexico does not demand any tech transfer, neither forces them to use Mexican providers, the Mexican policy is extrictly based upon the market, if a Mexican company makes the good with the quality and price the foreign company demands then they provide their product.
here we see Mexican workers in the Bombardier Plant in Queretaro Mexico working on Bombardier aircraft fuselages.
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