To understand the aerospace industry in Latin america we have to understand the main countries are Brazil, Mexico, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Peru and Venezuela.
Brazil is without any doubt the leader in the aerospace industry in Latin america.
Embraer is the top Brazilian aerospace company and one of the top aircraft maker in the world, the third largest civil aircraft maker in the world.
It designs and manufactures from jet regional airliners to private light business jet aircraft, besides primary turboprop primary trainers, jet cargo aircraft and the license build Gripen fighter.
Other companies are Avibras, Helibras, Obedrech and TGM.
Brazil can make jet engines albeit for small UAVs, fighter radars, it has a well developed missile industry and a very well developed space program.
The weakness of the Brazilian aerospace is it uses many aircraft parts build in other countries
The Mexican aerospace industry main strength is it has more than 350 companies building and designing from jet engines to fuselages in Mexico and its one of the top suppliers of aircraft parts to the top aerospace firms.
Bombardier, Textron, Bell, MD helicopters and Aviapro do build aircraft fuselages from large jet aircraft like the Bombard
ier aircraft global 7000and 8000 Aircraft to helicopters like Bell or MD helicopters.
The weakness is these are mostly foreign owned.
GE and ITP design jet engine parts in Mexico, plus Honeywell design airliner parts in Mexico, but these engines are foreign owned
The largest Mexican aerospace companies are Frisa aerospace and Soisa, Frisa builds jet engine parts for Pratt and Whiney and Rolls Royce making it the most advanced aerospace company in Mexico.
Soisa is one of the largest suppliers of jet airliner seats in the world
Mexico can build and design UAVs and light propeller aircraft like the Pegasus that is a primary trainer aircraft.
The american company Spectrum will be the first foreign owned company to build an aircraft totally in Mexico, its business Jet, the Freedom, promises to be build entirely in Mexicali, Mexico in 2018