I point at physical planes, and that is better than studies. LCA and PAKFA do not rely just on LEVCON, and that is a fact. The PAKFA even needs thrust-vectoring-control in addition to tailplane, showing LEVCON does not provide good enough pitch authority to be used alone. Not only does your continuous talk about vortex lift affecting pitch not going to change how reality work, it shows you are in denial about simple law of physics regarding moment arm. What is better? Better is doing more, not less. LEVCON does less by not providing enough pitch authority. By doing less, LEVCON is not better than canard.
To end this debate which is just your insecurity that J-20 can not flat spin in controlled flight like PAKFA does, show me the J-20 doing the flat spin on pure canard control alone, you won`t find it, since fighters like Eurofighter or Rafale do not do it, all these jets rely on thrust vectoring control; and the canards or Levcons are used only to augment vortex generation.
Canards and LEVCONS by them selves do not make a fighter better, it is the combination of drag and thrust what makes the better fighter, in fact the fact J-20 needs to rely on LEX and canards show the whole configuration work as a system, none is decisive by its self but they are a combination to get a max total coefficient of lift.
Your whole hypothesis is false since the J-20 uses LEX and canards at the same time, the LEX is used to improve the lift the canard can not achieve, since the canard on J-20 is far forward and is less than ideal, however if the jet can achieve the lift needed to overcome the drag and is light enough could achieve excellent turn rates.
But that combination does not mean it is better to the a LEVCON tailess or aft tailed.
Because all delta canard jets use in their flight control a combination of elevons, leading edge and canards to achieve pitch control.
Your whole point is false, since F-22 and PAKFA use horizontal aft tails, you are just bragging on Chinese nationalism, the fact J-20 uses canards and not aft tail is not because the jet is better, it is because the parameters needed on the J-20 demand canards as a solution, otherwise F-22 would have needed canards and PAKFA would have added canards, they did not add canards to F-22 and PAKFA, and still PAKFA can fall like a leaf and has no problem to do it and the same is for F-22.