Correct, which is why on the J-20, the leading edge extension is used to strengthen vortex interaction. A similar solution is employed on the Eurofighter.Longer are means also lower vortex interaction so you get a longer arm but you lose lif
The LCA uses trailing edge flaps for pitch authority as well. When you look at PAKFA, you see the employment of tailplane to provide pitch authority. Neither plane relies just on LEVCONS, for good LCA which is tailless you just need to move the wing forward and add the LEVCON, so pretty much there is no advantage plus the LEVCON generates less drag.
With this listen, it does not mean a fighter is better, canards and LEVCONS are only fixes none is superior, everything depends what the designer wants, at the end of the day is the lighter the fighter it gets, lower wing loading and higher thrust to weight ratio what matters
As to drag, one of the ways to reduce it is by reducing trim-drag through making the aircraft more unstable. However, this requires greater pitch authority which is better achieved by canard, especially during high angle-of-attack situations. I agree with you that thrust-to-weight ratio is important, but wing loading is shown to be a bad metric due to influences of vortex lift.