Banned Idiot
LOS ANGELES Hong Kong tourists were kidnapped in the Philippines suffered the incident,Jacky Chan recently spoke on Twitter Interpretation of reports by the media after the big wave triggered noisy contingent, 27 Sina Entertainment issued a statement through his explanation and gives a read:
新浪娱乐讯 香港观光客于菲律宾遭挟持受难事件,成龙日前于Twitter上发言经媒体解读报导后引发喧然大波,27日他透过新浪娱乐发出声明说明始末,原文如下:
首先,我要向在菲律宾受难者的香港家属们致上我最深的哀恸。可能我说得不清楚 视频:香港遇难同胞遗体返港 成龙言论引争议 媒体来源:SMG《新娱乐在线》 ,我的美国助手替我在Twitter上面写的内容经过翻译之后是不完整的原意,我觉得香港人在菲律宾旅行时遭到挟持杀害,是一桩令人伤心的悲剧。我是中国人,百分百是香港人,我对那些在这次不幸的事件中丧生的香港人感到悲痛,对那些失去亲人的家庭深表同情。希望那些伤者早日康复。
First of all, I would like the victims in the Philippines, Hong Kong To the families of my deepest sorrow. Maybe I made myself not clear, my assistant for the United States is written in my Twitter translated content is incomplete after the original intention, I think Hong Kong people have been kidnapped while traveling in the Philippines killed is a sad tragedy. I am Chinese, full of Hong Kong people, I am in the unfortunate event that killed the people feel grief for those who sympathize with the bereaved families. Hope that those injured a speedy recovery.
I said, I will not hate Filipinos awful tragedy, there are hundreds of thousands of Filipinos work in Hong Kong, many Hong Kong people work in the Philippines, if hated each other, will Hong Kong and the Philippines will be great damage.
As to whether the command of the Philippine police misconduct, caused the tragedy, of course, must be held, on the left to the experts do it.
If the site before I express my feelings is not complete, thus creating misunderstanding and resentment all, I express to you my most sincere apologies.
新浪娱乐讯 香港观光客于菲律宾遭挟持受难事件,成龙日前于Twitter上发言经媒体解读报导后引发喧然大波,27日他透过新浪娱乐发出声明说明始末,原文如下:
首先,我要向在菲律宾受难者的香港家属们致上我最深的哀恸。可能我说得不清楚 视频:香港遇难同胞遗体返港 成龙言论引争议 媒体来源:SMG《新娱乐在线》 ,我的美国助手替我在Twitter上面写的内容经过翻译之后是不完整的原意,我觉得香港人在菲律宾旅行时遭到挟持杀害,是一桩令人伤心的悲剧。我是中国人,百分百是香港人,我对那些在这次不幸的事件中丧生的香港人感到悲痛,对那些失去亲人的家庭深表同情。希望那些伤者早日康复。
First of all, I would like the victims in the Philippines, Hong Kong To the families of my deepest sorrow. Maybe I made myself not clear, my assistant for the United States is written in my Twitter translated content is incomplete after the original intention, I think Hong Kong people have been kidnapped while traveling in the Philippines killed is a sad tragedy. I am Chinese, full of Hong Kong people, I am in the unfortunate event that killed the people feel grief for those who sympathize with the bereaved families. Hope that those injured a speedy recovery.
I said, I will not hate Filipinos awful tragedy, there are hundreds of thousands of Filipinos work in Hong Kong, many Hong Kong people work in the Philippines, if hated each other, will Hong Kong and the Philippines will be great damage.
As to whether the command of the Philippine police misconduct, caused the tragedy, of course, must be held, on the left to the experts do it.
If the site before I express my feelings is not complete, thus creating misunderstanding and resentment all, I express to you my most sincere apologies.
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