Junior Member
That's funny. Ask anybody here if I kow-tow to the West.
Decades? Tourism from the mainland is a recent event.
Uhh where did I say you insulted me? Is this you making up some fake insult I was hurt by just so you can relish I was hurt by your insult? LOL!
Well then you must be in denial. Because there's always some ugly side of Hong Kong that surfaces every now and then. I've got a lot more where that came from.
How was my parents smuggling people? First I thought it was your lack of communcation and comprehension skills but it's just you'remaking stuff up. Love it when when people who argue with me have to start making stuff up to win an argument.
What are you talking about?
That's funny. Is this like reverse psychology. After I exposed the ugliness of Hong Kong it's hard to face the truth. So what do you do is switch the roles. Yeah Hong Kong doesn't have continuous protests against China in the name of democracy to which is used in propaganda against China. Notice you didn't comment on the Hong Kong nightclubs that discriminate against Chinese on their own land? Just like no dogs or Chinese allowed. Not decades ago but decades old.
Well in Canada and Great Britain Chinese are a minority so there's this pressure to comform. But what's Hong Kong's excuse? Chinese are the majority and still there's this preferential treatment to the old colonial masters. That's just sad and not a sign of superiority.
I love how you say I'm looking at things decades old. The Macau-Zhuhai-Hong Kong Bridge reluctance was a recent event and showed how scared Hong Kong elitists thought they were going to become assimulated into being Chinese faster. The whole identity thing surfaced since the handover. That's where most of this was born from. Hong Kong elitists were afraid of becoming Chinese like everyone else in China. Again why was there all these drama queen tantrums over the handover if returning to the motherland was so great? Oh maybe I was imagining it. If Hong Kong was filled with patriots, why are all the democracy drama queens out in full force for any negative event happening in China? A couple years back during the Olympics year there was an incident that happen in China where innocent Chinese civilians were slaughtered on the streets. Was there anger in Hong Kong at the people who committed this dastardly deed like over this incident in Manila? No in fact there were protests against Bejing that supported these murderers that slaughtered innocent people.
And you're offended at me not being sympathetic to the Hong Kong elitists exploiting the incident in Manila? Do the mainland Chinese get to do what Hong Kongers want to be done to the Philippines but on the protestors in Hong Kong who defended the slaughter of innocent Chinese. Let's paint a broad brush on Hong Kongers too.
1. first I said know-how. Only you somehow see it as kow-tow. Your Freudian slip maybe.
2. mainland tourism started in the 80s. It was tour-group first. It is anything but recent. You really need to check your facts.
3. Of course, every group of people have some bad apples. Like your king of democracy invaded iraqi under false pretense. Your freedom-loving and democratic countryman stab muslim cab driver and damage their fellow countrymen's mosques for pure hatred. But I am not like you, thinking a few incidents by some represent the whole. To arrive to your level of conclusion requires a serious dose of prejudice.
4. I am not like you. I am not born in the king of democracy. I do not have the best opportunity to learn english. My school in guangzhou city provided little english instruction. Do you understand chinese character? I can write clearer and better in Chinese, which is my mother-tongue.
5. I am glad you are not easily insulted.
6. As the bridge, it is a good laugh. It was delayed and delayed because it was a bridge to nowhere. At this time, there are transports like fast ferry and mainland highway network to connect the three places. The bridge is not cost-effective. It will need to charge over HK$200 and it wont break even in foreseeable future. It will divert traffic from mainland highway network to the bridge. It actually put on a negative economic impact on the towns between Shenzhen and Zhuhai. The people can utilize the bridge are the lorry drivers and tour buses (which also means more "forced purchases"). Few locals from 3 places have private cars. As I said, the tourists from mainland come individually mostly. They wont get the benefit. The bridge was eventually given a go-ahead for part of stimuli against recession. At this moment, we have numerous crossing between Shenzhen and HK. The last thing we want to is close the border. In fact, Shenzhen and HK have talks to integrate fully to the extent we can travel and work without custom and border. For a start, our train fare card between the two cities are interchangeable now. We are building superfast train rail directly connect to the national railway network. Most HKers see this as progress. Of course, you may say some dont like it. As in many places, you will find someone disagreeing. Some wants to go back to the past and some still hold onto the belief of the past and cannot move forward to new things and events. But they dont represent the whole.
7. I dont know why you keeping saying things that you have no basis of. You keep you saying you heard this and that. Can you see with your eyes? Tell me your misconceptions and I will do my best to clarify for you.
8. We always fight for better representation and freedom of speech. We must have less corruption and better legal system. This is also many chinese mainlanders are fighting for. Are you saying asking for better representation is un-chinese? Could you tell in what incident you see those chinese protesting for a just society are anti-chinese? Didnt you say you are born in the King of democracy? Maybe you are born there but do not share your countrymen's value of democracy.
8. where you see segregation, we chinese see unity. where you see discrimination, we chinese see resolution and understanding. where you see the past as present, we chinese see the future as present. It is sad that you keep hoping for a failed belief of infighting between chinese and refuse to accept Chinese as we are now, unified and confident. I guess you are westerner. You want to believe in this myth. You want to see us fighting between ourselves. You want us to fail. You are whiter than I thought.