I don't think any sovereign country would allow another country to send their special forces and mendle with their affair.
I know that everyone is quite angry at this moment when it come to this particular hostage taking scenario and how useless the police of Philippines react.
But first and foremost, we must also recognised that Philippines is a sovereign country, so I highly doubt that they would allow a third country forces to be deployed within their country. Of course we could force our way in if we wanted, but do we really want that? I mean, lets put CHina in Philipines shoes... if US hostages are slaughtered in Chinese land and US demanded that they would sent in their special forces on Chinese land, do you think CHinese government will agreed to that? (same example as what another forumer had pointed out).
My opinion is that international community should pressured the Philippines to upgrade their police forces, sent them overseas to friendly nations for training and buy better equipments for these forces. After all it is not like they are going to buy better equipments for the entire force, which they might not be able to afford, but a couple of thousands assault rifles, bullet proof vest, MP5 or other submachine guns should be within budget.
After Monday's hostage taking scenario, it is widely reported that normal Filipino people are also quite shock at the incapability of their police and was actually very upset.
My initial outburst was directed mainly at the polices forces, their way of handling the case. Then it was at those insensitive people out there and finally the media that blew everything.
Good one there.