The amount of money needed to keep a lid on the threat of Islamic terrorism to the west would be negligible next to the cost of a lengthy arms race as well diplomatic competition with china in the worst case scenario, from western perspective, of sino-American relationship in 15-20 years.
The worst case scenario is china becomes as inveterately hostile to the system of economy, finance and international relationships supported by the west as Soviet Union was, as well armed as Soviet Union was, and relative to the west, and with an economy relative to the west that is not only 5-10 times stronger than Soviet Union ever was, but exhibit far more economic dynamism than Soviet Union ever managed as well.
the case has been tackled. Police said that the group consisted of 8 people out of which 6 are males and 2 are females. The group is from Xin Jiang and the names are identified as well. 5 are shot dead on spot and the rest three are now arrested.
Also the Kunming's government vowed to pay all the bills of those wounded. And 11 Kunming's hospitals pledged to treat them with the best doctors, best medication and best care.
First of all RIP to the victims of the attack in Kunming.
Chuck i have been following your posts for some time and you have one of the strangest way of interpreting world events and history. First of all the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan has already cost the US 1,518 trillion dollars in operational costs alone and homeland security costs another 742 billion $. Thats a total of 2,26 trillion dollars of direct costs in the war on terror and that is only the cost to date. Since both homeland security and the war in Afghanistan are still ongoing the cost will go up as well. And this doesn't even include the long term costs of taking care of the wounded veterans or the replacement of the damaged military material and paying interest on the loans. Because America has been doing all this with a creditcard. So the costs are hardly negligible by any acount. And rather China will become hostile in the future will depend on the actions of both sides. But if the scenario does play out like you say then that would be a massive failure on part of the political leadership on both sides.
The latest news says 4 were shot dead, 1 was injured and captured alive on spot, and 3 were arrested today.
Compare that to the material, financial and social cost of containing the Soviet Union for 46 years, during which America also had to live with not suicide bombs at nation landmarks, but constant threat of total annihilation. Inflation adjust military cost of that is probably on the order of >>20 trillion, at about the 3 times the annual burn rate you calculates for cost of terrorism, and lasting 4 times as long.
Soviet Union never had economy more than 25% as large as that of the US. A worst case scenario for the west Chinese economy would be 10 times larger.
The Words Using by West Media
Left-Kunming Terror Attack, March 2, 2014
Right-Woolwich of England Terror Attack, May 22, 2013