2022 Olympic Winter Games Beijing


Registered Member
One of the thing her grandma did was to make sure she could recite the 小九九 multiplication table by heart, it was tremendous help apparently.

I recall similarly when I first went to school here in Australia and showed how fast I could do multiplication in my head everyone was shocked, and I similarly showed them how it's done by reciting it. Then from time to time people would get me to do it just to see how fast I could go through the table.

I think this kind of thing is only possible in Chinese. You can't do it as smoothly in english for example because all chinese numbers from zero to nine are single syllable sounds where as in english they are not (eg: seven).

If you guys have kids over seas I highly recommend getting them to know 小九九 off by heart.
@Temstar bro it's part of Chinese Math curriculum, starting from grade 2. Here Chinese studies start at 1pm until 530pm while the English studies start from 730am until 12pm. Our English Math always finished early cause the teaching is two level down...lol.


Lieutenant General
Just like a Republican. They're for something until it works against them. Now they're all of the sudden against capitalism because they're not the ones making the money.

The US military is suffering from incompetence right now with a lot of accidents. When I was a kid I'd watch TV and movies about the military and US soldiers would do all the cooking and cleaning for themselves and for their fellow soldiers saying that built discipline. Haliburton a Republican operated company was able to lobby the US government to get that work outsourced to them so they can make money from it. Connection...?


Staff member
Super Moderator
Americans are absolutely vile.

Endless posts on reddit with 100k upvotes using misleading videos to claim China is cheating (the one where the chinese "flicked" the puck to the canadian, the one where Hwang was rightfully dqed for overtaking and making contact, and the one where the Liu pushed Ren out of the line and he tries to grab Liu to get back to his place, or even that China was deliberately underfeeding other countries athletes)

Endless posts about how "terrible" the venue is, using filtered dystopian photos of Shougang park, claims about fake snow being bad despite athletes saying otherwise, blaming the venue for Shiffrin crashing out

Endless news reports trying to create controversy over nothing (BBC claiming there's a "deluge of complaints from athletes", reports about covid spreading like wildfire despite it being well contained, reports claiming Chinese were attacking Zhu Yi despite majority being supportive)

So many westerners claiming cheating is chinese culture, that chinese have no morals blah blah. Just absolutely disgusting racist behavior from westerners. Anything to put China down just because they're butthurt. Meanwhile it's day 5 and team USA still has 0 golds.

Don’t you know? Even if one athlete is disatisfied then the whole thing is a complete effing failure.