Eileen Gu just got Silver! Lost by a very narrow margin of a fraction of a point.
Oh well, she's still a winner to me.Eileen Gu just got Silver! Lost by a very narrow margin of a fraction of a point.
This is why need AI scoring, trained deep learning models... not human judges... those 1000s of disinfo pysco-ops articles the West planted against Gu surely tainted the jury pool, as it were, as judges are all human and subconciously suseptable to CIA brainwashing and millions $$$$ of western propaganda smear campaign against Gu personally and more broadly sustained malicious attacks against the country she representsEileen Gu just got Silver! Lost by a very narrow margin of a fraction of a point.
Kinda good that she got silver though. The other girl did put in a pretty good run, and she did mess up the first 2 runs and came up with a clutch 3rd run again. A medal of any color at this level is awesome.
Made in Germany was once forcefully mandated to be labeled by British importers as low-quality steel back in the 19th century, back when German steel was inferior to British steel and Britain didn't want them to be passed off as superior British steel. Over the decades, Made in Germany turned their perjorative label into world-class quality. Process takes time, but fundamentals win out in the end.I just hate to see it happen because the coomon refrain of "Chinese made" or "shoddy construction" are almost always invoke to stigmatize anything Chinese made or constructed things.
Made in Germany was once forcefully mandated to be labeled by British importers as low-quality steel back in the 19th century, back when German steel was inferior to British steel and Britain didn't want them to be passed off as superior British steel. Over the decades, Made in Germany turned their perjorative label into world-class quality. Process takes time, but fundamentals win out in the end.