2022 Olympic Winter Games Beijing


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This Professor of Philosophy at Taiwan University was so moved by Eileen Gu eating 韭菜盒子 on the Beijing Winter Olympics ski slope that he felt compelled to make a podcast to talk about it. He obviously also felt bad that some Taiwanwese these days refuse to accept their Chinese identity. So Eileen Gu's impact is clearly felt beyond just Olympics.

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I love Professor Yuan, he's the best. Apparently when his students as him if he feel he's Taiwanese he would answer back "are you joking I'm a Shandongese".


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Same with made in Japan, made in Korea, etc. Even during the 19th century made in America was considered crap.
made in muricaland has always been associated with cheap ingredients and heavy use of toxic chemicals covered up in a nice vaneer.

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another is the presence of ractomine in pork. or how instead of long lasting concrete or brick buildings everything is made of cheap plywood covered in a thin vaneer of plaster. we can go on.


Registered Member
made in muricaland has always been associated with cheap ingredients and heavy use of toxic chemicals covered up in a nice vaneer.

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another is the presence of ractomine in pork. or how instead of long lasting concrete or brick buildings everything is made of cheap plywood covered in a thin vaneer of plaster. we can go on.
US car industry has one of the most enduring reputations of low quality