The "clear" message was received only by Indians from their own media spin machines; internationally, it was lost in translation. What the message actually said coming out was that India has worse pilots, can be baited into acting rashly, and when the situation is hot, may start firing on other Indian aircraft by accident.I believe the floodgates for future punitive action on pakistan have opened with this bombing run.
Indian planes crossed into Pakistan, so chances of getting shot or crashing in PoK are present. If India had also shot of bvr missiles from the safety of their own loc, like Pakistan has done, no chance of being captured.
India has basically sent a clear message to Pakistan that terrorist attacks will have a cost. Whether Pakistan accepts the damage or not, the message is conveyed.
If the floodgates are open, where is the flood? The gates open and all the fell out are 2 Indian wreckages, 7 dead Indians, and 1 IAF pilot with a bruised face. What a message!