2019 India-Pakistani border clash

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India could've said anything and would've been supported by the US if they just didn't use the US like that. India could've said they shot down 20 JF-17s and the US would've supported it but an F-16...? They couldn't pass up the opportunity.

The crazy thing is that even the higher ups in the Indian military seemed to have bought the "JF-17s are junk" narrative. It is one thing if military fans believe it, but another entirely if the decision makers believe it.


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Patriotism/nationalism definitely rising in India as a result of this.

What u wanna be when u grow up?
A scientist!
To do wat?
To make a bomb.
That can destroy China in one go

Let's leave the kids out of this please...


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Don't rely on the ISPR. I don't, and I'm a Pakistani. I've been telling other Pakistanis the same thing from Day 0. The problem for you is not the ISPR. It's Reuters, BBC, NY Times, and independent teams like BellingCat and The War Zone and the private Satellite Imagery firms. In fact, even pro-Indian US analysts like Christine Fair and Michael Kugleman who regularly appear on Indian news channels. Even some very senior Indian defense analysts like Praveen Sawhney.

At the end of the day, the known facts are as follows:
  • 1 Mig downed
  • 1 pilot captured
  • 1 frat Mi17, killing all on board
  • no evidence of a successful bombing by the IAF
  • no evidence of a downed Viper
Everything else is conjecture. For example, my side's claim of downing a Flanker (of which our pilots are convinced, and I've spoken to one) I still do not believe, for the same reasons that I do not believe your IAF's story. They might have thought they were successful at doing something, but I'm not gonna take their word for it. I need verifiable evidence of confirmed kills, before I give credit to anyone (including my own side.) This happens all the time in every military conflict. There is a counter for "claimed kills" and a separate counter for "confirmed kills." You're basing everything of the former counter, when everyone else is going by the latter. That's your problem.

You are not applying this same principle of rigor. But most 3rd parties are, including members of this forum. For example, you're pointing to the screenshots of the "radar images" even after independent analysts have rejected them. If you have the radar scope data, you have the video, so release the video, don't selectively cherry pick screenshots because that doesn't prove anything. Contacts pop in and out of radar all the time. But even if you did that, it wouldn't prove a Viper kill, until there's evidence of a wreckage, a missing Viper, or a confirmation from our side, none of which exist.

As for the Balakot strike, it's been debunked ad nauseum, so I will not go over this again. Now instead of throwing mud on the members here, realize that everything you are saying is based on conjecture. Regardless of what the ISPR or the IAF has said, the known facts which I listed, are undisputed. And they are enough to paint a very damning picture. If you want to change that picture, conjecture will not be enough.

By the way, here's Sawhney, a senior Indian analyst talking about this whole episode. And he is specifically talking about "deterrence" (which you are so interested in) so you should pay close attention. Notice how his conclusion is the exact opposite of yours:

Well your argument is semi logical, not what I would say about the rest of the posters here.
But you spoilt it by by referencing that video at the end. I didn't even click on the video because I know it would suit your agenda.
Deterrence is obvious when subsequent to the Feb events, Pakistan is in panic mode and calling in the P5 members and inventing new strike days from India. Keeping your airspace closed for more than a month and losing valuable foreign exchange. Seems your establishment has more fear of India than your bravado here.
India undisputably lost a fighter jet in PoK and one helio loss in kashmir, but these are the risks of ingress. Next time we just take more care but the next time is assured. Look at the placating statements from your establishment and contrast with the aggressive ones from India.


Registered Member
Well your argument is semi logical, not what I would say about the rest of the posters here.
But you spoilt it by by referencing that video at the end. I didn't even click on the video because I know it would suit your agenda.
Deterrence is obvious when subsequent to the Feb events, Pakistan is in panic mode and calling in the P5 members and inventing new strike days from India. Keeping your airspace closed for more than a month and losing valuable foreign exchange. Seems your establishment has more fear of India than your bravado here.
India undisputably lost a fighter jet in PoK and one helio loss in kashmir, but these are the risks of ingress. Next time we just take more care but the next time is assured. Look at the placating statements from your establishment and contrast with the aggressive ones from India.

You talk about logic and then proudly ignored the guy's video link accusing it as serving his agenda. There is no learning or self-modulating with this attitude. You will ignore all the evidence that doesn't suit your needs. All that evidence may indeed be questionable which is why I've not used any of those but stuck with the mutually agreed facts. However you do exactly the same if not worse and you claim your own dodgy "evidence" as groundbreaking and faultlessly incriminating. Please. It's you who is acting semi-logical at best. If you want to prove us wrong, why don't you start by addressing the points I've raised in the last few pages? Of course you know better and far above such nonsense :rolleyes:


Well your argument is semi logical, not what I would say about the rest of the posters here.
But you spoilt it by by referencing that video at the end. I didn't even click on the video because I know it would suit your agenda.
Deterrence is obvious when subsequent to the Feb events, Pakistan is in panic mode and calling in the P5 members and inventing new strike days from India. Keeping your airspace closed for more than a month and losing valuable foreign exchange. Seems your establishment has more fear of India than your bravado here.
India undisputably lost a fighter jet in PoK and one helio loss in kashmir, but these are the risks of ingress. Next time we just take more care but the next time is assured. Look at the placating statements from your establishment and contrast with the aggressive ones from India.
You don't look at other people's evidence because you're afraid they'll support his argument? LOLOL Impressive strategy! Talk to yourself then!

All that's obvious is that India got a huge black eye so it's kicking and screaming trying to look tough but Pakistan delivered that black eye so it's being an adult and telling India to calm down. When a child attacks a grown man, that's what happens; doesn't mean the man is scared.

Aggressive statements? That's what victory sounds like to you? Haha Other people shoot down your jets and beat down your pilots and you bring "aggressive statements" to equalize that?? Can you possibly set the standards any lower for India? By your logic, North Korea's the toughest country around, always threatening to turn other people into ash and their cities into a "sea of fire."

Next time? Next time you will lose more, your whole air force if you dare send them. Then you will say, "Ah! There will be the next time after that!" Then you will lose more again. This is called self-inflicted harm. Why would the next time be different? I don't recall Indians saying before this incident that next time India will lose 2 aircraft and many airmen. Next time behave properly, don't attack anyone, and your airmen stay alive and your aircraft stay in one piece... until you wreck them in training that is.
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I didn't even click on the video because I know it would suit your agenda.

wow... dude, you just forfeited this debate, in the most ridiculous way possible:


You've been refusing to listen to the arguments of everyone here from the beginning, and now you just admitted to it.

that's Game Over.
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New Member
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Guys, please calm down.
We all know this is a controversial issue, and no need to get testy over it.


For your argument, I mainly see 2 main premises:

1. Pakistan was successfully bombed with malicious intent. (evidence: Pakistan government did not give immediate access of the balakot madrassa)
2. Pakistan did not retaliate with the same intensity. (evidence: Pakistan "deliberately " missed Indian army posts in retaliation.)

Such leads to your conclusion that Pakistan is unable and possibly afraid to retaliate.

As others pointed out, premise 1 does not stand due to the variety of reasons that could have led to the late access to balakot madrassa, so you argued that
3. Successful or not, Pakistan was bombed with malicious intent.
so together with premise 2 your argument still stands.

I would like to refute your premise 3.

Although Pakistan was bombed, it was highly likely that the bombing run was not successful, and India suffered a huge embarrassment (loss of a Mig 21 and a Mi 17). Keep in mind that it was close to the elections, and should Pakistan organise a successful retaliation, it would lead to poorer popularity of the current ruling party and may lead to unnecessary escalation. As such Pakistan has plenty of reason to "deliberately" miss. Not that your premise 3 must be wrong, but that it was not a convincing one since there are other explanations and without further information, it is hard to make that sort of assumptions.

Feel free to disagree or clarify anything you felt that was illogical or misrepresented.


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I didn't even click on the video because I know it would suit your agenda.


Also, although sources of opposing prospectives are difficult to take in due to their opposing nature, it would be good to still look through it to take in some different perspectives that would help you make a better judgement of the situation. If the sources are biased and possess an agenda, it should be easily determinable based on the language, logic and use of evidence. If you find these sources biased or was placed to suit an agenda, you could list down the evidence and we could have a more intellectual debate on the bias and reliability of the source which would frankly be a better argument compared to your statement which is not very convincing.
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