As of yet Sampan, Ukraine Proper is still intact.
There are nine provinces of Ukraine that were taken by Yanokovich in the 2010 election, not counting Crimea, those same nine not counting Crimea are also more then half Russian Speakers and sit closest to the boarder with Russia.
The Crimean Peninsula may have been part of the Ukraine since it's independence form the USSR in the 90's but for over 300 years it was Russian. It became part of Ukraine when the USSR First Secretary Nikita Khrushchev, granted it
Khrushchev despite claims to the contrary was Russian by birth but to paraphrase a American political maverick " He could see the Ukraine from his back yard."
The Question is will Putin push for more and part of that is Transnistria as if Russia Anexes those they would have to cross Ukraine Proper, entering the Western portion of Ukraine and having to deal with the 15 Western Provences who primaraly consider themselves European, voted for Yulia Tymoshenko in the 2010 Election, Do not speak Russian primarily and for who the Russian Deal was a no go.
Some are Arguing that the Action in Crimea was in it's self a Concession, Putin Ripping off a leg of the Ukraine to feed the Hawks in his own cabinet who have been disgusted by the Current state of Russia in the world.
The reliance of the EU on Russian Fuel and the depletion of NATO to feed the Peace Dividend and the dependence on Russia for manned Space, having created a opening He and his can use to get what they want, but those are Dynamics that could shift With the North American Fracking revolution brewing in the US Canada and now Mexico and the three having more fuel reserves then any other Fuel party. The Fuel blood line for the EU. With the Annexation there are bound to be those who feel that the NATO sword may need sharpening which could cause a political shift away form the The Peace dividend. And the US is moving forward with Commercial Crew if successful that would end the Russian/Chinese Monopoly of manned space foolishly granted with the retirement of the Shuttle.