Just read in the periodical that Russian Defence Minister ,Sergei Shoigu, has called on Crimea's pro-Russian leaders to free the recently captured head of the Ukrainian navy Sergiy Gayduk.
The Russian Defence Minister also said he had "asked the leaders of the Crimean Republic to release the commander-in-chief of Ukraine's naval forces... and not to prevent his departure for Ukraine,".
I read yesterday where the Ukraine leadership demanded the same thing.
Glad to see Russia backing that demand and urging those in the Crimea to do so. Although you would think that Putin and his Defense Minister could easily ensure that this happened. It would have been nice had the release occurred just before, or concurrent with the announcment.
It is a significant escalation that Ukrinian military forces in the Crimea are being besieged, stormed, and reportedly (at least in one instance) killed by the so-called Crimean militia who are dressed in front-line Russian gear and using Russian equipment.
I pray there is no more of that. Those are precisely the types of incidents that will lead to a general conflict.
Those Ukrainian military personnel have been placed in a very, very bad situation. On one hand, they are Ukrainian, sworn to their conuntry and its constitution and they are serving at their duty station. On the other hand you have the Crimean provinsional parliment voting to succeed and join Russia, and ordering them to leave. On another hand you have the larger part of the international community (including Kiev) not recognizing that vote.
So to those soldiers, they are still in the Ukraine on a Ukrainian military base. My guess is that they have very specific ROEs that prevent them from firing their weapons and creating an incident. But does that extend to their being threatend and then subjected to lethal force against them?
Ultimatley the Ukraine is going to have to order them all out of there...either that, or the final two options would be to either watch their bases, one by one will be besieged and ultimately over run...or the Ukraine will try and militarily support them, which would defintely lead to war.
As I said, a very, very difficult situation they are in.