Delft, it was not a "coup."Besides having the Nuland coup less than 24 hours after a political compromise was reached in Kiev that was signed by the ambassadors of Germany, France and Poland the US has made the European countries look irrelevant. It would be much better for the European countries if free and fair elections were to be held in Ukraine because those would be likely to sweep away the current 'government' .
That word has a very definite meaning:
Coup: a sudden, violent, and illegal seizure of power from a government.
Whatever else you may think, the Parliament of the Ukraine, which itself was legally elected, met together and followed the Ukrainian Constitution to the letter, and impeached and then removed Yanukovich from power, finalizing it on February 22.
That was what legally removed was not illegal, and that vote and procedure was not violent.
The violence on the streets leading up to it (on both sides) were not what created the interim government in Kiev. The Parliament did and it did it legally, and peacefully in chamber. Now, clearly the protests and the reaction to hem on both sides influenced this...but protest leaders and their adherents did not storm the Parliament, hold guns to the members and force them to vote. They did so as duly elected members of the Ukrainian Parliament.
Now, the Ukraine will continue to follow its constitution and there will be exactly what you call for, "free and fair elections to be held in Ukraine ."
We shall see who wins those...but they will be voted on by the people of Ukraine...which at this point, though it may be open to the Crimea by the Ukraine, will most likely not include the Crimea.
There are those, particularly the Russians, who want to frame what happened as a "coup," in order to give them justification for what they did. But that is propaganda and meant to justify what Putin is doing, nothing more. Putin clearly had no intention of allowing the Crimea (and perhaps other parts of the Ukraine) to go all in with the EU and thereby risk losing Russia's critical Black Sea Fleat port there. He simply was NOT going to allow that to happen.
As it is...if he moves on any other part of the Urkaine, then it will be him who is seeking a coup. He has already accomplished a coup in the Crimea...but it is one I doubt anyone in Europe or the US can do anything about in the long run. All the talk about "punishing," Putin is likely to remain just
Obama is weak and will not be able to form or hold a coalition to enforce his new "red" line. Europe is too tied to Russian energy to risk that being turned off and the counter economic sanctions Putin would impose if they tried to do the same to him.
This is the truth of the situation...on both sides.