a link, please
Speaking from a perspective of a country which Russia brought 40 years behind the Western Europe after the World War maybe he WAS a little indeed...Sounds to me that Polish president is a bit paranoid.
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a link, please
Speaking from a perspective of a country which Russia brought 40 years behind the Western Europe after the World War maybe he WAS a little indeed...Sounds to me that Polish president is a bit paranoid.
Do anyone have any thougths on the situation in ukraine and how it will effect china? Do you think that china will help russia politically if this blow ut to a fullscale war between russia and ukraine? If the The Budapest Memorandum is broken does it mean juristically that ukraine can have nukes and that US is at war with russia?
My bet is the PRC won't openly support either side, it will focus on ensuring that whatever existing deals it had with Ukraine are honored as much as possible. However I think the PRC knows that the significance of this fight for the Ukraine is to the Russians what the Korean War was to the PRC. Since a strong enough Russia is needed by the PRC to ward off Western block pressures on other fronts the PRC would likely try to indirectly help yet squeeze a good deal out of Russia at the same time through trade proposals including possible weapons development co-operation.
Historically, Crimea is as Russian as half of the Texas is Spanish.The Crimea has been, and is, historically Russian and would be quite happy to swap back and reverse the 1954 swap to Ukraine.
What Russia gave Ukraine in previous century:The giving of the Crimea to Russia by the Ukraine is a small price to pay for independence.
I bet some newspapers said something similar about part of Czechoslovakia annexation in 1938... I'd rather sit down watch as I don't know what Russia is up to in the next decades regarding Eastern/Central Europe.And that will be an end to Russian expansion westwards, not the beginning - that's the big difference between this and any 1930s example.
Yes the Crimea is a done deal. They are going to vote for Independence and ask Russia to be their protectorate. the Ukraine, the EU, the US, NATO, etc. at this point will have no say in the matter.The Crimea has been, and is, historically Russian and would be quite happy to swap back and reverse the 1954 swap to Ukraine. Without a resolution of intensified ethnic/linguistic split, instability will continue. If situation is to be resolved with any kind of permanence then partition is probably inevitable, and if so, then it is best done quickly. The giving of the Crimea to Russia by the Ukraine is a small price to pay for independence.
If the Russians do not advance any more, ou are right. But if the Russians come boiling out of the Crimea and move north, and more importantly, if those large forces to the east cross the frontier...the Ukrainians will fight.Additionally the Ukrainian military will not fight Russian military.
Sorry Mirage, but if no one stands up to Putin...and makes the prospect of taking Ukraine itself a very expensive one for him to contemplate...I fear he will most certainly not stop and he will move on Kiev.I would not be surprised to see de facto partition within the week, and not a shot fired. And that will be an end to Russian expansion westwards, not the beginning - that's the big difference between this and any 1930s example.
So Putin is not even going to try to make a token attempt to disguise his goals. He is taking a big gamble, but from his POV, doing nothing and 'loosing' Ukraine would not be much worse compared to going into Ukraine and loosing, so that was probably a far easier decision than most western leaders and commentators might have bargained on.
I think that the sheer inability to look at things from others' POV is a profound, fundamental problem that western governments, analysists, commentators and decision makers all seem to share. That's true even within their own countries, but that is getting OT.
The point is, this Russian response should have came as a surprise to no one, and now that Putin has dropped all pretense (the earlier 'unidentified' armed men who took over various places in Crimea wearing standard issue Russian uniforms and kit and who were obviously Russians were likely feelers to gauge western reaction, which was lukewarm at best), I doubt he will stop till he has Kiev and all of Ukraine under his control again.
Putin is not going to repeat the mistake (or so he would have perceived) he made in Georgia, where he had Georgia helpless on its back, throat bared. All he had to do was will it and he could have delivered the coup de grace and ended Georgia as a country. Instead he was sweet talked into staying his hand by the west, but got not a hint of recognition for his 'restraint', and was instead daemonised in the western media and lectured at by western leaders. Georgia itself became even more anti-Russian and was almost cheered on by the west in doing so.
I think western pettiness and short-sightedness will come back and bite it in the butt in Ukraine. Had the west given Putin a little recognition for his restraint, and had they been a little more considerate of Russia's interests in their dealings with Georgia post conflict, there might have been a chance they could have convinced Putin to not march his troops into Kiev.
But now if the tried, I think Putin will just flip them the bird with one hand while bouncing his nuclear football with the other and dare anyone to come and stop him.
That means that the only ones who could stop the Russian tanks rolling into Kiev would be the Ukraine army. But even unified, that would have been a big ask. If the military is anything like the rest of Ukraine society, it's likely as conflicted and divided as the rest of the country about the Russian move, with large sections strongly for and against the Russians while others don't know what to make of it all.
I think the main reason the generals kept their men locked down in their bases was because they could not be sure who those men will aim their rifles at if ordered to shoot. That could easily have led to a civil war before the Russian intervention. Now if the same thing happened, it won't be some much a civil war as a route if a large section of the already badly outmatched Ukraine army switches sides or refuse to fight.
Ukraine was lost to the west as soon as Putin made the decision to go all in and send in the tanks. The only question now is how much blood it will cost everyone and how long it will take the west to realise this.
Yes the Crimea is a done deal. They are going to vote for Independence and ask Russia to be their protectorate. the Ukraine, the EU, the US, NATO, etc. at this point will have no say in the matter.
If the Russians do not advance any more, ou are right. But if the Russians come boiling out of the Crimea and move north, and more importantly, if those large forces to the east cross the frontier...the Ukrainians will fight.
Sorry Mirage, but if no one stands up to Putin...and makes the prospect of taking Ukraine itself a very expensive one for him to contemplate...I fear he will most certainly not stop and he will move on Kiev.
Putin stopped in Georgia not because people sweet talked him. He stopped because the US was flying hundreds and hundreds of personnel in there, right into Tiblisi, to help the Georgians. The were mostly advisors and trianers, but they had their security detachments with them. And they brought a lot of material.
Bush made sure that Putin knew that if he wanted to take Tiblisi (and he could have done so anyway f he wanted to push it) that he was going to have to spill American blood to do so, and would then have a conflict with the US and probably NATO.
The Presidents of those Eastern European nations flew in too and stood with Georgia as the Russians were still advancing, so Putin knew he would have to roll over them too and at the time, that would have made the conflict even wider. That is what stopped Putin. He had already achieved his main objectives...but he would have gone ahead and taken all of Georgia
if he thought he could get it on the cheap. When he found he could not...he stopped and consolidated the two Provinces he took.
If something does not occur to make Putin do that same type of calculus in the Ukraine, he will take the discount, bargain table and everything on it.
I have been listing to these idiot "talking heads," this morning here in the US on the major news channels, including a lot of pols and so-called experts. They are droning on and on about the UN and its charter that Russia has signed up to. They are talking about the security treaty made between the Ukraine, Russia, the US, and the UK when the Ukraine gave up its nuclear arsenal in exchange for a promise...a promise I tell you...that Russia would never violate their borders.
Pfft! Those are words written on a piece of paper. Putin has the power...the regiments of tanks, aircraft, howitzers, etc. His "right," is extending out of the barrels of those many weapons...and sadly...it is the nature of mankind and the history shows it so...that unless someone stands up and ensures that Putin knows that he is going to be hurt by other barrels pointing at him...he is going to go shopping at the bargain basement for another capitol.
I listen to these women, and these emasculated men go on and on about how Putin is breaking with their international community...how the meeting in Sochi is going to be canceled, how we can kick him out of the G8, etc., etc. They are so many knats on the backside of a great big brown Bear. So much spit in the wind at this point. Putin is feeling none of it.
So, unless someone stands up...and make no mistake, even if they did, Putin could still push on and take Kiev...they can only make it expensive now, with a promise of payments with interest later. Unless that happens, and from someone Putin has respect for and believes they mean it, Putin has no reason to stop.
I pray, for the sake of the Ukrainians...and beyond that for the Balkins too...and probably Georgia may get some pay back too...for all of them, that someone will stand up to this who Putin might actually believe means it.
Sadly...that is not Barack Hussein Obama. He already promised Putin he would be "more flexible," and Putin views him as a Putz, and is probably actually enjoying seeing how many contortions he can cause Obama to go through, just to see how flexible he is.
I have the feeling Putin has waited a long time for this...and Obama and other weak leaders are handing it to him on a silver platter.
Anyhow, sorry for the rant. We have a bunch of nitwits running America right now...and we are going to pay for it ( and anyone who has historically depended on us is also going to pay for it) until we get some adults back in charge.
/end rant