Tyrant King
I think the General was afraid he was going to get lynched. Look at the crowed dragging him off. If it weren't for the cameras he would probably have gotten strung up.
The aircraft that buzzed the US AEGIS destroyer in the Black Sea was an SU-24.
It's a dangerous attack aircraft, and though I am sure the US saw it coming and queried it as they say...to allow it to approach like that, in these conditions, on a low level attack run was very dangerous.
I wonder if they painted it and locked on...at some point, as it came in, I hope they did.
Very dangerous game. One SU-24 loaded up with ASMs, if unchallenged, could heavily damage or sink a destroyer.
I have been in hospital for a few days, for the first time in more than seventy years
Ukraine: Pro-Russian supporters cheer on troops flying Russian flags
It's still early yet, but if confirmed, this would shatter the narrative that the eastern protests were organized by Russia.