The aircraft that buzzed the US AEGIS destroyer in the Black Sea was an SU-24.
It's a dangerous attack aircraft, and though I am sure the US saw it coming and queried it as they allow it to approach like that, in these conditions, on a low level attack run was very dangerous.
I wonder if they painted it and locked some point, as it came in, I hope they did.
Very dangerous game. One SU-24 loaded up with ASMs, if unchallenged, could heavily damage or sink a destroyer.
Troops fire as locals in Kramatorsk confront Ukraine general Vasily Krutov
Angry locals surrounded General Vasily Krutov, yelling questions about what he and his troops were doing in their city.
"We are conducting an anti-terrorist operation," the senior Ukrainian officer began, but he was interrupted by angry shouts of "What terrorists?"
As the crowd surged towards the airfield entrance in Kramatorsk in eastern Ukraine, waving a Russian flag on a long branch, the Ukrainian troops inside unleashed a volley of shots into the air.
After a failed ultimatum for pro-Russian protesters to lay down their arms and vacate government buildings they have occupied in at least nine cities across eastern Ukraine, yesterday Kiev attempted to flex its military muscle. But the anti-terrorist operation announced by the acting president, Oleksandr Turchynov, got off to a rough start when security service troops took control of the military facility, firing shots and injuring at least two protesters. The air base is an obvious staging point for any operation in the larger nearby city of Slavyansk, where well-organised gunmen seized the police and security service building last weekend. A similar group of armed men later stormed a government building in Kramatorsk with a flurry of gunfire, although no one was injured.
The casualties angered still further locals opposed to the Kiev government. Men quickly hemmed the troops inside the air base with tyres, pallets and small trees they had uprooted, vowing to guard the barricade through the night and set it on fire if anyone tried to come out. A few dozen molotov cocktails stood on the road nearby........
All of the periodical headlines repeat the same question: What does Putin want with Ukraine? These headlines are then followed by elaborate articles that are basically a regurgitation of previous articles. I think that many of the SD members could be better reporters and can write better articles than what I read in South American, European and USA periodicals.
Answer to the question of what Putin wants in Ukraine: What he does not want are NATO bases and a pro-western state right on his border. This is not reality, however it most likely is the reality as Putin sees it.
News are unclear, but it looks like Ukrainian commander general Krutov almost got beaten up by angry mob in Kramatorsk airfield (Ukrainian troops supposedly "liberated" said airfield before that) . Watch the video from 0:28 . Another proof of low morale in Ukrainian army :