2014 Ukrainian Maidan Revolt: News, Views, Photos & Videos

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All of the periodical headlines repeat the same question: What does Putin want with Ukraine? These headlines are then followed by elaborate articles that are basically a regurgitation of previous articles. I think that many of the SD members could be better reporters and can write better articles than what I read in South American, European and USA periodicals.

Answer to the question of what Putin wants in Ukraine: What he does not want are NATO bases and a pro-western state right on his border. This is not reality, however it most likely is the reality as Putin sees it.


Lieutenant General
The aircraft that buzzed the US AEGIS destroyer in the Black Sea was an SU-24.

It's a dangerous attack aircraft, and though I am sure the US saw it coming and queried it as they say...to allow it to approach like that, in these conditions, on a low level attack run was very dangerous.

I wonder if they painted it and locked on...at some point, as it came in, I hope they did.

Very dangerous game. One SU-24 loaded up with ASMs, if unchallenged, could heavily damage or sink a destroyer.


Any news about the US Navy AEGIS destroyer actions towards that SU-24, like a radar lock or something?


The Capitalist
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.......and so the fog descends.

The Kiev regime appear to be doing something, but not all that much, presumably not enough to scupper the Geneva talks on Thursday.

Well I am not going to waster time chasing and trying to describe fog, so lets see what tomorrow brings. If the talks go ahead on schedule, then the constitutional settlement still seems the most likely outcome. If they do not, then it means that this has simply been a mask for a deeper and darker game.

Any clarification yet from Washington as to what business John Brennon had in Kiev over the weekend?


Senior Member
News are unclear, but it looks like Ukrainian commander general Krutov almost got beaten up by angry mob in Kramatorsk airfield (Ukrainian troops supposedly "liberated" said airfield before that) . Watch the video from 0:28 . Another proof of low morale in Ukrainian army :

Troops fire as locals in Kramatorsk confront Ukraine general Vasily Krutov

Angry locals surrounded General Vasily Krutov, yelling questions about what he and his troops were doing in their city.

"We are conducting an anti-terrorist operation," the senior Ukrainian officer began, but he was interrupted by angry shouts of "What terrorists?"

As the crowd surged towards the airfield entrance in Kramatorsk in eastern Ukraine, waving a Russian flag on a long branch, the Ukrainian troops inside unleashed a volley of shots into the air.

After a failed ultimatum for pro-Russian protesters to lay down their arms and vacate government buildings they have occupied in at least nine cities across eastern Ukraine, yesterday Kiev attempted to flex its military muscle. But the anti-terrorist operation announced by the acting president, Oleksandr Turchynov, got off to a rough start when security service troops took control of the military facility, firing shots and injuring at least two protesters. The air base is an obvious staging point for any operation in the larger nearby city of Slavyansk, where well-organised gunmen seized the police and security service building last weekend. A similar group of armed men later stormed a government building in Kramatorsk with a flurry of gunfire, although no one was injured.

The casualties angered still further locals opposed to the Kiev government. Men quickly hemmed the troops inside the air base with tyres, pallets and small trees they had uprooted, vowing to guard the barricade through the night and set it on fire if anyone tried to come out. A few dozen molotov cocktails stood on the road nearby........

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Lieutenant General
All of the periodical headlines repeat the same question: What does Putin want with Ukraine? These headlines are then followed by elaborate articles that are basically a regurgitation of previous articles. I think that many of the SD members could be better reporters and can write better articles than what I read in South American, European and USA periodicals.

Answer to the question of what Putin wants in Ukraine: What he does not want are NATO bases and a pro-western state right on his border. This is not reality, however it most likely is the reality as Putin sees it.

Well it's just like the situation with North Korea and how they ask why China doesn't support sanctions or help collapse the government. They make it out that China supports everything North Korea does. No, China doesn't want hundreds of thousands to millions of North Korea refugees entering China and it doesn't want a South Korean takeover that will allow the US military at its borders. Very legitimate reasons because the other side never addresses those issues if they were indeed sincere with their intentions.

Is there any question that the US would want the same situation in Ukraine to use against Russia repeated over with North Korea?


Tyrant King
MAce I don't think this is the the current North Korean situation, More applicable would be the Korea of the late 1940's just before the war.
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Lieutenant General
Well North Korea is a much more closed country than Ukraine so it will be hard to get the people to turn on the government without a collapse. The end game is the same.


Tyrant King
Mace, The North Korean model has nothing to really do with the Ukraine. Korea was occupied and then liberated by The US and Russia. Both sides negotiated a deal that the north would have a temporary government put in by Russia the South by the US and eventual real elections/ Then One side reneged on the Elections of a unified government and The Iron Curtain popped up. The North Korean South Korean division is a recent event like Pakistan and India or 90% of the boarders in the middle east.
The Ukraine is a bit of the Reverse. The Russians Claimed a lot of Territory as part of there Empire and then as the USSR at the end of the Second World war. Included in that was the Unification of a number of territories that were really never one nation before, Included in that was Russian Territories added into this was Stalin who mixed in other parties, And the Unification lasted mostly by bayonet at there throat, until the USSR fell apart.

now things are falling apart as the Eastern states traditionally Russian and who have more or less gotten there way in policy due, but then The West said enough and Kicked up the Revolt.
Now The Russian's are backing the Eastern States due to any number of Valid Reasons Well the EU and US are backing the Western government for any number of valid Reasons. Both sides are right both sides are wrong, Only the Russians have boots on the ground.
News are unclear, but it looks like Ukrainian commander general Krutov almost got beaten up by angry mob in Kramatorsk airfield (Ukrainian troops supposedly "liberated" said airfield before that) . Watch the video from 0:28 . Another proof of low morale in Ukrainian army :


Thud, wait, what's you position here? Do you think the General should not have talked to the crowd personally, but have sent some negotiator? ... or he should have ridden down the crowd by warning shots ... or ... I don't know, just asking
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