09V/09VI (095/096) Nuclear Submarine Thread


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Any thoughts on the likely production run for 09VI?

USA is going for 12 SSBNs, Russia about the same. Given the high threat levels to China's SSBNs, I think a similar number will be required. And given developments in ABM technologies I think that significant numbers of missiles will be required, even if China deploys fewer warheads (and more decoys/penetration aids) on those missiles.

With 6 09IV/As in service, a further 6 09VI's would bring China to a dozen SSBNs and should be achievable by 2030. However, given the range limitations on JL-2 and operational limitations those impose on the 09IV boats, and also the presumed technological limitations of 09IV, I would expect the 09IVs to be replaced in the 2030s, at the least in SSBN role -- a conversion to intelligence-gathering or SSGN role would be possible.

Survivability and payload of SSBNs are key to their mission.
09IVs/094s are certainly better than 092s and the more recent 094 boats may field improvements vs their predecessors.

But 09VIs/096s will likely field similar improvements in survivability and stealth as what 09V/095 has been circulated as possibly enjoying as well given they would be of a similar generation. And JL-3 should have a meaningfully greater range than JL-2 even if JL-2's specific range is not quite well known.

I wouldn't be surprised if post 2030 they aim for a fleet of 8-12 096 category SSBNs while 094s may get converted to other duties. But of course all of this is dependent on just how survivable 096 ends up being and just what kind of capability we can expect from JL-3 etc.

I also wouldn't be surprised if they end up building a number of SSGN/large payload submarines derived from 096s in time as well.

(I stopped using the roman numerals cause it's too easy to mistype and misread)


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Here's a half-joking comparison between official sources and "big shrimps" ;)

              official sources   "big shrimps"
reliability            √           doubtful
consistency          √          not always
first-handness        √       almost definitely not
semantic vagueness   √             √

Just saw this, didn't catch it earlier.

I agree to an extent, but I think "big shrimps" are usually less vague than official sources in terms of saying things in black and white.
Things like "we can expect to see hull number X and Y of 055 this year" or "carrier 002 will be launched this year about XYZ month" or "they might end up buying ABC number of 054Bs". Official sources don't really hand it out to us clearly like that -- and even if the big shrimps may not be as "reliable" I would argue the much greater straightforwardness of some "big shrimps" makes up for being somewhat "less reliable" than official sources.

I should not comment too much on 09V before its debut. But since it has been mentioned so many times, I suppose the new line is not a secret any more -- the new line is active and it is active since 2016, after the first facilities were built.

That is interesting, but part of the discussion was also about what parts of the line could be "active".
The new line is thought to have brand new structures including the final assembly hall, fabrication buildings, paint shop etc, and based off photos we can see that only the final large assembly hall was really "finished" circa 2016 whereas the other buildings thought to be for fabricating pressure hulls etc were not.

My speculation was in the past was that the lead 09V may have begun assembly around 2016/2017, but that the actual modules for it may have been fabricated at the old buildings and moved to the new assembly hall for final assembly and subsequent launch. However I would be surprised if it was fabricated wholly at the new line, because the buildings needed to be used to fabricate modules at the new line wouldn't have existed back in 2016.


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在09III/09IV核子攻擊/彈道導彈潛艇的研製工作告一段落後,更新一代的核能潛艇(09V/09VI型)的研發工作咸信也再進行。依照中國方面報導,在中國第十個五年計畫(簡稱「十五」,2001到2005年)期間,中船重工719所(向來參與中國核潛艇設計工作)的工程師劉春林領導的團隊承擔並完成了某國防預研重點項目課題,提出採用集成二迴路系統技術(兩級迴路的一體化壓水反應器,一體化反應堆是將蒸氣產生器直接整合在反應堆壓力容器中, 如此就可以省略許多冷卻系統的管道,減低體積重量,並大幅減少冷卻管道破損導致反應爐失冷的意外機會),使核動力二迴路系統在成倍提高功率密度的同時,也大幅降低了輻射噪聲水平,並適應模組化造船發展的趨勢。此外,在某型號課題攻關中,劉春林參與研製核動力系統的蒸汽發生器二次側非能動餘熱排出技術,有效提高了現有的核動力裝置固有安全性,並解決了困擾中國某型核動力裝置多年的最終熱阱難題。 在2005年,進入中船重工719所工作僅7年的劉春林被任命為某型號系統副主任設計師。2012年,某新型號(應為繼09III/09IV之後的新一代核能潛艇)批復立項研製,劉春林被國防科工局任命為此型號的副總設計師,同時兼任該型號動力系統總師。其他可能用於09V/09VI的新技術還包括在2000年代進行預研的泵噴推進技術、2012年獲得發明專利的「大型智能氣囊隔振裝置」、2012年獲得國家科技進步二等獎的「艦船推進動力系統低頻隔震裝置」等。







Too lazy google translate but 095 was finish design 2018 Febuary


Lieutenant General
Interesting they integrated the steam generator into the nuclear reactor reducing piping and equipment foot print
They talk about using 3 D drawing system which make sense as it is more accurate and can be incorporated into other system . New vibration damping system and new propeller Basically everything new or in other word new generation of submarine They are right 3rd generation of nuclear sub

I doubt it will take that long if they finish the design early in 2018 then it probably take 2 years to fabricate the hull and another 1 or 2 years outfitting it. so most like 2021 to 2022 we will see it in the water


According to the reports, 09V started construction design and began providing drawings in 2017. Thus it is almost certain that its construction was started at the old line.

By that estimate then it could be launched by 2023. This is going by 09III standards, of course.


Lieutenant General
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According to the reports, 09V started construction design and began providing drawings in 2017. Thus it is almost certain that its construction was started at the old line.

So when you said on the last page that "the new line is active and it is active since 2016, after the first facilities were built" what are you referring to? If it was active in 2016 does that mean it wasn't active for producing 09V, therefore for 09IIIB or something?


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google translate my previous post previous page, 09V did not finish its design until 2018 Febuary, so the one before is 09IIIB or the chinese themselves called the "kai" version meaning change or upgrade with newer subsystems, thats basically about it
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Registered Member
By that estimate then it could be launched by 2023. This is going by 09III standards, of course.

Find it very hard to believe a 7000 ton boat would take 5 years to build, that is even longer than the aircraft carriers.

If it started construction in ‘18, it should take about as much time as a 052D at worst, maybe closer to a 054A.


Find it very hard to believe a 7000 ton boat would take 5 years to build, that is even longer than the aircraft carriers.

If it started construction in ‘18, it should take about as much time as a 052D at worst, maybe closer to a 054A.

US boats take ~3 years from being laid down to launch, and this is for long-running sub classes of which a large number of units has already been built. Chinese sub yards, by inference, are far less experienced and tooled to build subs compared to companies like GDEB, and from historical precedents it takes ~6 years for Chinese boats to make the equivalent leap.

Of course, Bohai Shipbuilding may have evolved since the late 1990s but that's the latest time frame that we can go by.