The whole reason there is this debate is because we also give fzgfzy credibility, and what he wrote about 09V and 09VI is somewhat ahead of the schedules that we had known before, and everything is further complicated by the fact that the new production line exists. The overall secrecy of Chinese Naval nuclear submarine procurement means I don't think we can be too confident about many of our facts.
After all, as I wrote two pages back I was under the impression that 09V production would've only began in late 2017/early 2018 at the earliest, but it seems like we are getting some information which may suggest otherwise, putting a bit of a spanner into our previous understanding and challenges us with the possibility that what we previously knew might not have been fully accurate.
After all, as I wrote two pages back I was under the impression that 09V production would've only began in late 2017/early 2018 at the earliest, but it seems like we are getting some information which may suggest otherwise, putting a bit of a spanner into our previous understanding and challenges us with the possibility that what we previously knew might not have been fully accurate.