Understood. Though the term VPT which I used in above posts is from @伏尔戈星图 when referring to those missile modules. Will use multipack VLS from now on.
Yeah, it's good practice to use accurate nomenclature -- including when a name shouldn't be generalized.
Well, mainly magazine pack density, though it does relate to magazine size per boat (and therefore, meaningful long-range land-attack and anti-ship strike capabilities per boat + overall combat performance and effectiveness of the boats) when compared to the 093B (yes, I'm assuming the 093B to bear resemblance to that model with VLS missile tubes).
Okay, if you are assuming that the 09IIIB model is representative of the real thing, my question is what depiction of 09V are you talking about?
None of the posts or pictures in the above posts describe even a sliver of an estimate for what sort of VLS magazine size 09V could have, not even a made up one.
Or are you just looking at this CGI they made and thinking that the bow tripack tubes represents what they think 09V's total VLS magazine size would be?
If that's the case, then there are two obvious replies:
1. It's just a fan made CGI, don't give it too much credence to begin with
2. Even the person who made the CGI and is conveying these supposed rumours (which you posted yourself), states that it is unclear what the total VLS magazine size would be, as they are only claiming that there will be two tripack tubes in the bow, and an unknown number in the amidships/central section behind the sail (nor do we know how additional tripack tubes behind the sail might be arranged -- i.e.: single column or dual column)
That said, if I'm wrong please explain in detail your thought process relating where you any previous post as having a claim/depiction of 09V's total VLS magazine size.