Both Columbia & Dreadnought classes use X-tail rudders according to their latest renders so I guess it's not entirely unlikely .)
Yes the application of X tail rudders on submarines in general is well long established, just to name a few existing in service classes:
- Type 212/214
- Collins/A17 class
- Soryu/Taigei
- new Suffren SSN of France
And the next gen Columbia and Dreadnought SSBNs will both use X tails, and chances are the next gen SSNX and SSNR of the US and UK respectively will use X tails too.
USS Albacore tested it fairly extensively back in the 1960s.
To clarify -- what I meant with regards to me not being sure if the procurement document is related to 09V or 09VI, is I'm not sure if the specs of the control rudder system is suitable for a proper submarine, or if it may be for something like a large UUV instead.
That's why I copied it over for a record just in case.