re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft
the PLAN is making monumental progress in the buildup of their blue water fleet, their amphibious assault capabilities, and ultimately their naval air arm. It will take years to integrate them all effectively, but they are moving forward rapidly...not to mention all of the new, effective guided missile destroyers, guided missile frigates, and attack submarines to escort them, and the logistics vessels to keep them fueled and armed at sea.
Very impressive indeed.
But, as has been stated, they have a ways to go.
In Japan they face a nation that itself already has three very capable amphibious assault ships, two dedicated helo carriers which are geared towards ASW but also multi-purpose, and who is building two dedicated, larger aircraft carriers that will definitely be capable of embarking the Joint Strike Fighter. Add to this the Japanese subs and many very capable escort destroyers and frigates (six of the destroyers being AEGIS vessels) and they alon pose a significant challenge to the PLAN.
Of smaller numbes, but none the less very capable, the South Koreans also possess very capable amphibious assault capabilities and rumored aircraft desires. They too have very capable destroyers and frigates (three destroyers of which are very strong AEGIS vessels).
Finally, you have the US.
The US now has eight vessels of the same class type as the Type 071 and intends to build two more of those. In addition, they have ten much larger Amphibious assault vessels (like those shown in popeye's pic above) that can serve as either Amphibious assault or Sea Control carriers, embarking Harriers now, and then the Joint Strike Fighter...not to mention ten full size nuclear carriers. The US has well over sixty AEGIS destroyers and 22 AEGIS cruisers. They have upwards of 60 nuclear attack submarines too and the largest logictical support navy on the planet...and are well versed and trained in operating all of it.
So...the PLAN has a lot to build to counter these forces. My guess is we will see them continue to grow and expand until they reach the numbers and capability they think they need to protect their interests and keep the sea lanes open for them in whatever contingency. Clearly, the US cannot mass its entire fleet in the Western Pacific and Indian Ocean areas of operation. The US PAcific fleet is large however and with its allies in the Japanese, Koreans, and Australians whom we have not mentioned, there is more than ample strength there for the PLAN planners to contend with.
We have not mentioned the Indians, who also, in the Indian Ocean area which the PLAN will need passage through regularly, are building a strong sea control navy of aircraft carriers and capable destroyers and frigates to escort them. They figure into PLAN strategic planning as well.
I pray there is never a military confrontation. As long as there is not, I am enjoying seeing the naval technology advanced as a result. It's very interesting and is occurring right before our eyes...though particularly with the PLAN we have to wait and wait to see thuings happen. But there is so much happening that we don't have to wait too long before seeing something new in one of the areas or another. That's why I like SD so much. Best place on the net for this info in the Western PAcific IMHO.
Having said all of that, what the Chinese are doing, and have done, is phenominal if you take a look over the years. In the last ten years they have embarked upon and maintained, and accomplished one of the largest and fastest major naval buildups in modern history IMHO and I am sure the people in China are and can be very proud of it. Nothing makes the heart stir for your nation like a fleet of modern, effective warships either coming into, being anchored at, or departing their homeports in front of citrizens who appreciate what they represent.