Not exactly, but =GT posted something similar on CDF just now
从进度看,因为已经批量建造了,所以某厂的建造速度也比第一第二条有所提高,特别是坞期,分段预舾装技术更 趋成熟,通过合理的坞内工作调度,占用坞期也会进一步缩短....
My chinese is pretty shoddy but it does say the 4th will be seen pretty soon. (?)
well thats interesting cus i know many people thought that maybe only 3 Type 071 were going to be built
Really? I always thought 071 would be built in pretty significant numbers. I'm hoping for 6 either in service, built and under construction by 2015.
3B USD is not just slightly more expensive than type 054A. If you trust wiki, it list type 054A's price as 1.58B YEN.
But I think it is a given that the PLAN will eventurally have those 071s in numbers.
edit: wiki says 300 mil, in which case it is comparable to the type 054A. btw 300 mil is 0.3 Bil, it goes up by factor of 1000.