thats the reason for my weak-up call: the PLAN indeed need operational amphibious carriers....
Without a carrier for protection; this vessel is limited to either a Paracel-Spratly scenario or to serve as a logistics & commandvessel for peacekeaping operations. ....
Ok KW64 ... but this assumes operating in a battlegroup type formation and this without an aircraftcarrier to assume reasonable effective aircover.
So they would need to stay within the operating range of landbased fightercover if they were to engagge an enemy with the capabilties to mount a potentially dangerous airstrike!
Without a carrier for protection; this vessel is limited to either a Paracel-Spratly scenario or to serve as a logistics & commandvessel for peacekeaping operations. I gues it will be this last plus to aquire more experience and training in combined operations (sea-air-land forces cooperation).
Excellent pics..But I have to ask. Are there any pics of the PLAN using that well deck or operating helos or doing any sort of embarkation of troops? Or is the ship still in the sea trail mode? Just askin? Afterall that's what an LPD is for.