071 LPD thread


Senior Member
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

Basically these type of boat can be used in quite a number of different other scenario other than the DYT and Taiwan scenarios. At present moment the relationship with a couple of ASEAN nations are not that rosy. Letting these countries know that the CHinese do have the means to land massive number of troops in their land from the sea is a good deterrence. Also if large enough quantity of these boats are available with enough men to carry around, they can be a crediable threat to the Japanese mainland too...

The other possible usage was for China to attack further away lands (past first island chain) with replendishment ships support. And so could very good complement the 071 and 081 to carry and land massive amount of land assets to the further away but potentially hostile nations.

So in my opinion the Zubr is a great asset to have. And if China could field more of these, it would give her a great way of landing her troops to potentially hostile nations, even if the nations are pretty far away.

PLAN already have enough 072III and II to carry out more threatening and deadly amphibious. zubr neither has the long legged Nd capacity to match a single Yuting III. Just like Sov destroyer. ZUbr is bought only for Taiwan scenario during the early 2000s. It's only the late delivery that makes it redundant.


Junior Member
VIP Professional
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

PLAN already have enough 072III and II to carry out more threatening and deadly amphibious. zubr neither has the long legged Nd capacity to match a single Yuting III. Just like Sov destroyer. ZUbr is bought only for Taiwan scenario during the early 2000s. It's only the late delivery that makes it redundant.

There's nothing redundant for a country with extensive island chains in a rapid response troop carrier which covers 300 miles in less than 6 hours.


Banned Idiot
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

Basically these type of boat can be used in quite a number of different other scenario other than the DYT and Taiwan scenarios. At present moment the relationship with a couple of ASEAN nations are not that rosy. Letting these countries know that the CHinese do have the means to land massive number of troops in their land from the sea is a good deterrence. Also if large enough quantity of these boats are available with enough men to carry around, they can be a crediable threat to the Japanese mainland too...
The only SE Asian country that Chinese Zubrs can attack is Vietnam. And not only just Vietnam, but just the northern half of Vietnam. There may be some strategic utility in a naval assault on Vietnam in combination with a land assault, but the rest of SE Asia is certainly immune to Zubrs. I guess you could also apply the same rationale to N/S Korea. But the Phillipines, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia are all out of range.

The other possible usage was for China to attack further away lands (past first island chain) with replendishment ships support. And so could very good complement the 071 and 081 to carry and land massive amount of land assets to the further away but potentially hostile nations.
Replenishment ships do nothing for Zubrs because the problem is not just fuel or food but crew accommodations, which AFAIK the Zubrs don't have for troops or vehicle crews. Actually I don't think even the crews themselves have accommodations.


Senior Member
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

The only SE Asian country that Chinese Zubrs can attack is Vietnam. And not only just Vietnam, but just the northern half of Vietnam. There may be some strategic utility in a naval assault on Vietnam in combination with a land assault, but the rest of SE Asia is certainly immune to Zubrs. I guess you could also apply the same rationale to N/S Korea. But the Phillipines, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia are all out of range.

Replenishment ships do nothing for Zubrs because the problem is not just fuel or food but crew accommodations, which AFAIK the Zubrs don't have for troops or vehicle crews. Actually I don't think even the crews themselves have accommodations.

What accommodations do they need? It'll take at most 2 days to get to the nearby islands.


Lieutenant General
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

The only SE Asian country that Chinese Zubrs can attack is Vietnam. And not only just Vietnam, but just the northern half of Vietnam. There may be some strategic utility in a naval assault on Vietnam in combination with a land assault, but the rest of SE Asia is certainly immune to Zubrs. I guess you could also apply the same rationale to N/S Korea. But the Phillipines, Malaysia, Brunei and Indonesia are all out of range.

Replenishment ships do nothing for Zubrs because the problem is not just fuel or food but crew accommodations, which AFAIK the Zubrs don't have for troops or vehicle crews. Actually I don't think even the crews themselves have accommodations.

Indeed, the biggest limiting factor to the operational range of the Zubrs are accommodations for crews and troops. It's no good ferrying troops a thousand miles in Zubrs if they arrive exhausted and half dead from been strapped into bucket seats and shaken like peas in a tin can for days on end.

However, that does not necessarily make Zubrs useless for operations far from China's coast.

Obviously deploying troops straight from mainland bases in Zubrs for South China Sea island operations is a bad idea because of the detrimental effect such a protracted journey would have on the combat readiness of troops once they arrive.

However, the hovercraft design of the Zubr should allow them to easily mount beaches on friendly islands and can be parked temporarily on fields or even on the beach themselves for short periods. This means it would be possible to easily turn any friendly controlled island into temporary bases for Zubrs, which could be deployed empty of troops and only carrying equipment like armoured vehicles and infantry weapons, while the troops themselves are transported to the islands by transport aircraft or troop ships.

Once the Zubrs have been forward deployed and their troop contingent has arrived via more comfortable means and embarked on the Zubrs, the Zubr would be just as an effective beach assault platform as it ever was.


re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

Obviously deploying troops straight from mainland bases in Zubrs for South China Sea island operations is a bad idea because of the detrimental effect such a protracted journey would have on the combat readiness of troops once they arrive.

However, the hovercraft design of the Zubr should allow them to easily mount beaches on friendly islands and can be parked temporarily on fields or even on the beach themselves for short periods. This means it would be possible to easily turn any friendly controlled island into temporary bases for Zubrs, which could be deployed empty of troops and only carrying equipment like armoured vehicles and infantry weapons, while the troops themselves are transported to the islands by transport aircraft or troop ships.

Once the Zubrs have been forward deployed and their troop contingent has arrived via more comfortable means and embarked on the Zubrs, the Zubr would be just as an effective beach assault platform as it ever was.

Or for a long narrow country like Vietnam, you can do it in jumps. Secure beachheads close to China in northern part of Vietnam, then use that beachhead as supply points for your Zubr to jump southwards, point by point.


Senior Member
re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft

Ummm, beds?

Soldiers can march for 2 days and fight but can't stay in a boat for 2 days and fight? I'm sure they can get some rest in there anyway. Soldiers have fought through much more demanding conditions, if they can't tough it out for 2 days then they don't deserve to be soldiers. Also, as others have said, you don't necessarily have to go from mainland straight to the target.