re: PLAN Type 071 LPD & its Landing Craft
I entirely agree. I.a. because NSF's landing ship force is a single squadron, subordinated to 1 Attack Boat Flotilla, not a flotilla as in SSF and ESF. The main problem I see is that there are no Marines in ESF (there should be IMHO).
I think the reason is that the PLA Marine is considered a special force unit instead of the main expeditionary force. Their main mission in recent years is now 夺岛作战 or island capture that's why they are only in SSF to support future conflicts in the SCS. ESF is concentrated at Taiwan which requires major amphibious landing operations and that's the specialty of PLA's amphibious divisions and brigades, Nanjing MR has one amphibious mech inf div, one mech inf bgd, and one armored bdg.
Thanks for the info. Is it just the picture that is wrong?
Is the newspaper right at least? There was a launch ceremony on new yer for the 4th lpd ?
No the news was written when the author saw the picture, there is nothing going on at HD, it's Chinese New Year, what do you expect? Work?